Dog waterers for chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 13, 2012
I just went to the feed store, and bought yet another 5 gallon plastic waterer for chickens. It was about 34 bucks.
My friend showed me tonight, that she uses the little one gallon dog waterers (the ones with a little carboy a dish at the bottom)

I have a larger 5 gallon carboy style waterer for my dogs in the house, but can't remember what those cost.
Has anyone used these? Do they work okay for chickens? They are certainly easier to clean and fill! The plastic chicken ones are such a pain to scrub out
since they are octagon shaped inside, and have way too many corners that want to grow things. Not to mention the gaskets always need replacing, the little caps always get lost,
and the lids have to be on "just right" or the darn things leak.

If you have used the dog style ones in your coop, please let me know how they worked for you.
Nothing wrong with dog waterer. , as long they can drink water ! you will always have to clean it no ,matter what! I found a large hanging bird bath that works for my baby chickies ! for ten bucks at walmart. its got a leg base on bottom, I love it !
I am ordering a stainless steel automatic dog waterer that you hook up to a hose for my hens. I have been looking at tons of chicken waterers, and I think it will be the way to go. Easy to clean, and though I like my nipple waterer, the chickens don't. If they are ever given water in a bowl or a puddle after a few days of the nipple waterer, they go berserk, drinking like they are dying of thirst, even though they have been drinking from the nipple. I hate cleaning the plastic waterers, too. I only use them for chicks.
Anyway, go for the dog waterers!
My girls have nipples and the drinking cups on a pvc pipe. They prefer the drinking cups--bar none.

I have no more washing or carrying water ever! They are not maintenance free; I decided nothing is, but they are way easier than most.

Happy Chickens!
I want to set up the watering cups...could you give me some details on your set up is hard to figure out anything that is too automatic at my place because the coop is on the 2nd story of a large outbuilding.
Are those the cups from mcmurray hatchery? I was considering those too, but I was afraid it would not be enough water, like the nipples. I'm interested to know your ladies prefer them

Whew! Ok, sorry I got the 1st two pictures so big! Then I redid the last one so maybe it was easier to see! I got all my ideas from this forum, so if you look around you may find a setup that works better for you. I got these cups from Randall Burkey Supply, however I'm sure they are sold many places. The girls enjoy them , I think, because it gives them a little bowl of water. The cup has a lever inside that they touch ever so lightly, and water is released. As I said, they are not trouble-free. I doubt anything is. But standing with a hose and adding to the rain barrel once in a while; I live in the desert; adding bleach or a solution to fight bacteria, once in a while; is still far easier that carrying and cleaning any water source I've seen.
Yes, the pipes froze last weekend, we had several 20 degree & 14 degree nights that didn't warm up in the daytime. But, it was over soon. When they started to thaw out they often leak, I stick a pan under the leak. Change out the cup if need be, they aren't expensive. I wrapped the pipes two winters ago; the girls ATE THE FOAM!! I was sure someone was gonna die. No one did. But, I won't try that again. Maybe someone else has an idea that would work.
Hope this helps!
Luv my rain barrel too! Only looks clay--actually heavy duty plastic! I can roll it around & rinse it out once in a while! I got it online at Home Depot, they didn't have them in the stores.
My setup isn't so fancy....I just use a 5 gallon (food grade) bucket with some nipples on the bottom. It hangs off the ground, and the have no problems drinking from it. I don't have to clean it out, unlike the open waterer I was cleaning every 2 or 3 days.

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