Dogs and Duck Poop!


In the Brooder
Nov 12, 2019
We're still fairly new to having ducks and we have two golden retrievers. They are not ever in the duck pen, however I'm having a crazy hard time keeping them from eating the poop out of the spent straw. No matter where I dump it on the property they find it!
Google tells me this is bad.
But I've also come across posts of owners letting their dogs eat bird poop.
Am i overthinking this?
Oh boy, do I ever hear ya! I've got 2 border collies, one with class and the other a little heathen who LOVES to eat duck poop. She's very good with my ducks and I'd love to be able to leave her in the run with them especially when I've got someplace to go but I can't because she'll make herself sick eating duck poop.

I even tried giving her some duck food to see if that satisfies her need to constantly chow down on the delicious delights from my ducks but it didn't help at all so I just have to keep her out of the run. I spread my used duck hay all around inside the run and once the grass starts growing again I'll probably put the used hay in my garden which has a fence around it so she can't get in there.
A few years ago my smarter border collie and I went for a walk in the fields and woods and apparently he ate some deer poop when I wasn't looking. He came into my kitchen and projectile vomited so that almost all of it went under the refrigerator! I don't know how he managed to do that but it was awful. I had to move the frig out and some of the whole deer poop was stuck under it. Took moving the big frige all over to finally get it all out.
so gross
I think all the kisses from our doxies before- you know- before realizing Duffy was snaking on - gag--- nevermind----
A few years ago my smarter border collie and I went for a walk in the fields and woods and apparently he ate some deer poop when I wasn't looking. He came into my kitchen and projectile vomited so that almost all of it went under the refrigerator! I don't know how he managed to do that but it was awful. I had to move the frig out and some of the whole deer poop was stuck under it. Took moving the big frige all over to finally get it all out.
That reminds me of the time my dog puke in my center console in my car after getting into the butter at my moms. We had to take apart my car to clean it.

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