Dogs Attacked Our Ducks...Please Help!!!


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Lamar, AR.
Yesterday, three boards of our privacy fence (neighbor's side) were torn down by 10 of our neighbor's dogs.
(They have 13)
They killed two of our Pekins and one of our Black Runners before we could get them out of our yard.
Our last Pekin was bitten on the back and possibly has two broken wings. He is eating, drinking, and pooping but his eyes are very droopy. He'll walk around a bit but has to rest often and he's VERY slow (understandably). Both wings are dragging the ground. One of our other Runners was bitten also on the back and side. Although, he seems like he's in better condition. He's foraging, eating, drinking, and pooping along with walking and keeping up with the other Runners. He has one wing that is a little droopy. We don't have the money to take them to the vet. Does anyone out there know how to heal them at home? We have a Farmers Coop where we can get some supplies but I have no idea what to get.
Please help if you can, we love our babies SO much. I don't want them to die. We have our ducks for our Autistic son. They are part of our family and he's seen enough death. Thanks in advance for any advice y'all can provide.

Much Appreciation,
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I just had dogs attack my hens (one dead, two injured) and I was told to wash wounds but running them under warm water a few times a day and apply invisible bandage spray. I am assuming here that ducks and chickens are alike. I have been told they heal quickly. Both my hens have no skin on the back of their necks, but have survived 48 hours so far still eating and drinking and alert. I have also heard of chickens with wings or legs amputated that get along just fine. I have no firsthand experience here, but if the wings cant be set by a proffessional, you may be looking at amputation.
Sorry I can't be more help, but I am sure someone who actually knows what to do will respond.
In:rant a lot of states you can shoot any animals that come onto your property and threaten your animals. I know it's true in Texas. Find out about your local laws and warn your neighbors that the next time one of their dogs gets onto your property you'll be calling them to come and drag the carcass of it away.
Also, get some Blue Kote to cover the wounds. It works really well and will take away the bloody color to keep other animals from picking at it. Hope all goes well!
Okay first treatment :

neosporin, an antibiotic you can get at the Co-op (whatevers available - someone can chime in with what they think will be best), small syringe, large syringe, and vet wrap.

Open wounds - rinse thoroughly, use a large syringe full of water and flush it well to get any debris out - you may need to pluck or trim feathers around wounds if possible to keep them out of the wounds. After its flushed - take a syringe of peroxide and flush one more time - let them dry a bit and then add neosporin ointment in a good liberal layer.

Pekin and wings - after flushing and tending to her wounds - if there are any wounds that are very large - I may stitch it up with a couple stitches using 100% cotton thread - use a color you'll be able to see so you can remove them in 7-10 days. Then wrap her wings close to her body with vet wrap securely but not too tight. You will need to clean any open wounds every day atleast once and change the vetwrap.

Add electrolytes to their water - seperate them from the rest of the flock as well.

NOW before you tend to them take pictures of their wounds and afterwards - take pictures of any ducks they killed.

After you care for them :

CALL YOUR ANIMAL CONTROL!!!! report the dogs and neighbors immediately.
Contact your law enforcement - go and file a report on destruction/damage of personal property (this is how the law sees pets) - go to your neighbors with this report and tell them you will drop the charges IF they pay for your ducks' vet bills (and only drop them after they pay the bill)
I dont know the specifics in your state - but I did this when my dog was attacked and mauled in her own yard 5 years ago - and her bill was paid in full before I dropped charges - the local animal control officer reccommended me to do to this when I called him directly after the attack.

These dogs are public nusiances if they attack and kill smaller animals - pets in someone elses yard. this is against the law and it is your duty as a pet owner, a parent, and a member of a community to protect your pets, child, and neighbors from these animals.

Take care, good luck and I hope your two injured ones pull through.
You call animal control and have them come out and file a report. The dog owner is basically responsible for the damage and that will include vet bills. Ok it will be kind of hard to get the money and you may have to take your neighbor to small claims court for it. Still get animal control involved. Did you know that many states require a kennel license, if you have 5 or more dogs. On top they require a fenced in kennel on the property for that many dogs. Animal control will know the rules and enforce them. Plus there will be record of violation for future actions against the dog owner. Now you will need a lot of vetrap from the feed store. Ice Popsicle sticks are also needed. Any wing break will need support with a Popsicle stick and lots of wrapping. You first need to wrap the wing into a closed position and then wrap the hole thing to the body. This needs to be snug or they will get it off. It wont be fun and you have to do it for at least a week. It is important to set broken wings within a day because the bones start to heal that early. Also give all your ducks electrolytes with a little bit of sugar, they are in stress and need it. Antibiotic ointment should be used on open areas. You may need to clean wounds with a hydrogen peroxide solution to kill germs. Other then that I wish you good luck.
Thank you all for your help and emotional support. My husband and I love this forum because of the wonderful folks that are a part of it.


I called Animal Control and they told me since we live in the county, they have no jurisdiction. My husband called the police and was told that since our children weren't bitten, there isn't anything they can do.
We were told we could take them to small claims court to recoup all that we were out monitarily, but that is all.
I've called our local farm store and they have all the necessary supplies to fix Thomas up. Did I tell you? Our Duck's name is Thomas. I also called a local vet to see if they would take pity on me and mend Thomas' wounds for an affordable cost. The Vet Tech told me she would call around town and get the cheapest quote for me and then we'd go from there.
Thanks again to all of you who posted. I'll keep you up to date on Thomas and his healing process.

Love You Guys,
Thomas is doing fine. His right wing hangs just a bit but he is in good spirits and outside with the other 3 remaining ducks (one of which was attacked as well). Not sure what to do now since there is only one female left and she obviously is taken with one of the males already. The other two have no one but each other, lol. Thank you for all the support and friendly suggestions!
Aww. I'm so sorry about this terrible incident, but glad to hear that Thomas is doing better.
Ducks are amazingly resilient--did you know that they run a naturally feverish high temperature, and as a result are impervious to many types of bacteria and viruses that can't survive at such a high temp?

I'm glad you're taking good care of him, and wish you the best with your neighbors. Are they aware of what happened? How did they respond? Were they there when it happened?

I would be pretty furious, but at the same time, if they are otherwise good neighbors and take good care of their animals, I'd be inclined to try to handle it politely. Anyone's dogs can escape once in a while and it is in their nature to attack prey animals unless they've been trained otherwise. But the owners should take responsibility and offer reparations. If they don't then I think you should take whatever means you need to ensure it doesn't happen again--including checking on the laws regarding shooting dogs on your property and making it clear what your intent is the next time it happens.

Good luck, and I'm sorry.

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