Dogs Killing My Chickens!

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I'll respect your thinking but disagree. Your sheriff could charge you with murder or anything else but it wouldn't hold up in court. At the end of the day its not what the sheriff thinks instead its how the jury interprets the law as stated which I have posted the link and it clearly states its a misdemeanor.
ahh man didnt think this would end up in such a debate. so I will try to respond to some posts. 1 I dont live in AR or CO or whatever other state. 2 I know what NM law is pertaining to this subject and I live in NM. 3. I researched the law and even called Navajo Nation Police because ALOT of laws are different on the Rez and are over state law. NNP told me the law them self and gave me the number for the Animal Control here and called them and they said the same thing but suggested I captured the dog then call them but ur never gonna capture the dog. Dogs around here are semi wild not like city dogs who just walk up freely. The dogs around here pack up and kill. Kill livestock and people on occassion. How would u figure that shooting buckshot is inhumane. Police use buckshot, military uses buckshot. Hunters hunt deer, boar, bear, etc with buckshot. If buckshot can stop all these it can sure stop a soft tissue animal like canine quick. I dont live in a residential arear theres really no zoning here. I cant use anything thats gonna go or bounce anything thats gonna possibly hit people or houses thats why I use shotgun. Theres no sherrif here, I live near Route 66 so closest thing besides Navajo cops is Highway Patrol but they cant enter rez unless navajo cop says they can and with a escort by navajo police. On the animal cruilty thing I do shoot to kill hence shooting center mass and not in its but. Side note is I havent seen that dog since. I have seen the other ones around but they havent been on my property again yet.
If they are killing your chickens you have every right to shoot them and buck shot is not any more inhumane then any other kind of bullet or poison or leg trap or anything else. I am an animal rights person , I would love for no one to have to kill and animal every again. Unfortantly we dont live in a perfect world , and if these dogs are half feral and probly not being taken care of well to boot then its more humane to kill them in all honsety. Killing anything should feel a little bad but you have responsabilites to your animals and family to protect them. If it comes on your property to hurt or kill then dispose of it just do so as humanely and quickly as you are able to.
Yeah its not like I go around just shooting animals for ***** and giggles. This is the first time I have shot a dog and I didnt think I could do it. Since last year I had problems with these dogs killing my animals. I got 10 chickens and like 5 turkeys last year and all were killed but 2 chickens semi wild dogs and I have a 6 ft fence and several strands of barbed wire at different heights all around. And once of the chickens these dogs killed was one of the 2 surviving hens from last year. The surviving hen is my handicaped hen with one foot and no butt. My goat gave birth to 3 kids last year and semi wild dogs killed one of them and all this while they were in there fenced barbed wire enclosure. If a animal wants to kill something bad enough it will find a away. I have smaller kids so I am not gonna electrify the fence.
Brando don't let them make you feel bad. Everyone has different values when it comes to animals, etc. Plus the reservation IS different from any other place in America. One of my attorney's grew up on the rez and she has stories that make me wonder if she was in America at the time or not. Totally not like any other place.

Anyway, I'm from WY. Where they'll kill your dog and then make you pay for the animal your dog killed/chased. Anyone who values their pet would make sure they were not able to get loose and kill livestock at will. If they don't care about their pet enough to keep them locked up that really isn't your fault. Shoot the dogs, save your chickens and good luck to you!
Thanks! No dogs have returned yet so thats good and sidenote Wyoming is so pretty, I drilled oil there at the Dallas Dome Oil Field like 5 years ago. I wanted to move there but wife didnt want to leave her fam. I caught alot of big trout while I worked out there.
I am beside myself today. I am on bed rest due to a high risk pregnancy. But this afternoon I heard a ruckus outside and looked out to discover 2 dogs mauling our chickens. I ran out and somehow managed to snatch both of them (separately) and trap them in our garage. I wasn't about to just let them leave, even if that meant me getting bit up.

So I do a head count and only 7 of our 34 chickens are present, many are just gone and there are many bodies all over the ground blood and feathers everywhere. Of the 5 bodies I found, 4 were still alive. But barely. I suspect they won't make it through the night, but couldn't bring myself to kill them. I got them situated in some warm nest boxes and that's the best I could do. After about 3 hours hours outside 24 chickens were now accounted for (that includes the 1 dead and 4 maimed). Then by the time my husband got home he went out and all 34 have been accounted for. Some of the healthy ones may have injuries I wasn't able to see and with them being stranded in the snow after being so stressed I wouldn't be surprised if a handful of them are dead tomorrow, too.

So anyways, I called 9-1-1 who connected me to the dog warden. She came out and took the dogs and we filled out a report. She said this dog owner is a repeat offender and she doesn't think he'll be paying us for our loss (at that time it was 14 chickens missing and/or dead/maimed). But they do a thing where they waive fees/citations if the dog owners pay for the damages incurred. At this point, more then anything I'm just shaken up. And sore. I've been forced to keep my feet up for weeks, so 3 hours in the briars and -10 degrees has been hell on me.

Here's my dilemma; next time.... *** do I do next time? Will there be a next time now that these dogs (which are starved and have been removed from their home prior due to malnutrition and neglect) have tasted blood at my home? We have firearms. I'm trained to 300 yds and in with a rifle and 50 yds and in with a pistol (19mm), moving and still targets. So chances are, if I shoot these dogs, I won't miss. And I never aim at something I don't intend to kill. But what happens to me after I shoot this guys dogs? Does anyone know what I can/can't do in Ohio? I've been looking online and I plan to ask the warden when I speak to her next, but what are MY rights?

I see a comment above about how someone let a dog go and later it attacked them and their dog. What if I was checking the mail with my 2 year old and my dog? I hope I don't regret letting these dogs 'go'... The other thing is they were sort of friendly to me after the initial drag to the garage by the scruffs. After that, I knew I couldn't kill them. But were I armed when I caught them with my hens in their mouths? I think I'm rambling here, I'm sorry. It's been a bad day. Can someone point me in the general direction of where I can find info about protecting domestic foul on my own property in Ohio?

Also does anyone have experience with chickens who've had their backs ripped off? Muscle is exposed. On several of them. Can I treat this? Or do we need to put them out of their misery? What about a dislocated leg? ****... :(

Thanks in advance.
katsalsa wrote: Here's my dilemma; next time.... *** do I do next time? Will there be a next time now that these dogs (which are starved and have been removed from their home prior due to malnutrition and neglect) have tasted blood at my home? We have firearms. I'm trained to 300 yds and in with a rifle and 50 yds and in with a pistol (19mm), moving and still targets. So chances are, if I shoot these dogs, I won't miss. And I never aim at something I don't intend to kill. But what happens to me after I shoot this guys dogs? Does anyone know what I can/can't do in Ohio? I've been looking online and I plan to ask the warden when I speak to her next, but what are MY rights?

I see a comment above about how someone let a dog go and later it attacked them and their dog. What if I was checking the mail with my 2 year old and my dog? I hope I don't regret letting these dogs 'go'... The other thing is they were sort of friendly to me after the initial drag to the garage by the scruffs. After that, I knew I couldn't kill them. But were I armed when I caught them with my hens in their mouths? I think I'm rambling here, I'm sorry. It's been a bad day. Can someone point me in the general direction of where I can find info about protecting domestic foul on my own property in Ohio?

Also does anyone have experience with chickens who've had their backs ripped off? Muscle is exposed. On several of them. Can I treat this? Or do we need to put them out of their misery? What about a dislocated leg? ****... sad.png

Sorry for your losses. I expect your County/Town regs comport with State Statute:

Used to have some yahoo's pack of Chows that harassed the deer, treed our cat and pretty much had the run of this 5 miles of road (every dog along it had some Chow in it). This is what I came to understand. Every loose dog is road kill waiting to happen. 2. Every dog that comes onto this property is, by definition - and for purposes of the police report, if any - an imminent threat - and was growling with teeth bared and stalking me when I was forced to retire it 3. If the owner has a problem with it, I'll send a bill to them for the bullet. Chows are long gone...

You could put a baby monitor out in/near coop if chooks don't wander too far. This is an extremely effective early warning system if one is home and awake. Please post up Q's regarding injuries in EDC subforum (get quicker response). Best of luck!

ed: clarity
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I had my own lab kill chickens when we first got them the best way I found to brake him of it was to take one he killed and put a veary high weed burning fencer down its throat and turn it . After the second ZAP he has never touched a chicken again
Sorry for your losses. I expect your County/Town regs comport with State Statute:

Used to have some yahoo's pack of Chows that harassed the deer, treed our cat and pretty much had the run of this 5 miles of road (every dog along it had some Chow in it). This is what I came to understand. Every loose dog is road kill waiting to happen. 2. Every dog that comes onto this property is, by definition - and for purposes of the police report, if any - an imminent threat - and was growling with teeth bared and stalking me when I was forced to retire it 3. If the owner has a problem with it, I'll send a bill to them for the bullet. Chows are long gone...

You could put a baby monitor out in/near coop if chooks don't wander too far. This is an extremely effective early warning system if one is home and awake. Please post up Q's regarding injuries in EDC subforum (get quicker response). Best of luck!

ed: clarity

Thank you for the link. Looks like I'm well within my rights to dispatch the dog(s). If they return, it will be a sad day for them & myself. I hate to kill them, but won't tolerate that again. I was worried if I called the dog warden after killing them, that there would be repercussions, It looks like it will be a PITA, but legally, I'd be safe.

Thanks again.

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