Dogs or Coyotes?

I'm certain that they are hidden somewhere but if something else didn't get them by now is the question.
I'm certain that they are hidden somewhere but if something else didn't get them by now is the question.

If it was dogs, you may luck out and find them. Search around all day, call out, have treats ready. Look inside thick brush, thick low bushes, under the edges of buildings, up in pine trees. Good luck, I hope you find some of your girls.
If it was dogs, you may luck out and find them. Search around all day, call out, have treats ready. Look inside thick brush, thick low bushes, under the edges of buildings, up in pine trees. Good luck, I hope you find some of your girls. :hugs

My husband thinks that coyotes may have hauled off with the nine I can't find to feed pups but would they leave eight behind? Cause I found and buried eight and have one injured with bite marks on her back.
My husband thinks that coyotes may have hauled off with the nine I can't find to feed pups but would they leave eight behind? Cause I found and buried eight and have one injured with bite marks on her back.

It is MHO that coyotes would only take what they could carry. They also like their meat fresh. Why kill to let rot when you can come back for fresh later? This is why I think it could have been a dog that killed and maybe others like vultures or night creatures took the missing ones. Raccoons are thrill killers too, they would also leave bodies about for other animals to take.
Have you found any alive yet?
Consider hot-wire or electrified poultry netting.

OP your description does not rule out dog or coyote. Some dogs will take / consume what the kill and occasionally a coyote will kill many birds before making multiple trips to carry off and cache carcasses. Fox might do same although for me the usually take only one per visit.
Quote: I have not. I've looked everywhere and under everything. Walked the neighbors field also. No sign of anything.
Quote: We have electric netting, but of course not hooked up.
My husband also thought that about them making multiple trips. We live about a quarter mile from a woods behind us.
I'm also considering a LGD. We may eventually have more animals than chickens and a dog would be handy for that.
I have not. I've looked everywhere and under everything. Walked the neighbors field also. No sign of anything.
We have electric netting, but of course not hooked up.
My husband also thought that about them making multiple trips. We live about a quarter mile from a woods behind us.
I'm also considering a LGD. We may eventually have more animals than chickens and a dog would be handy for that.

I'm so sorry you didn't find anyone.
Like I said before, I think the coyotes would have kept retrieving throughout the night. you probably would not have found bodies. You were able to rule out coons so I still think dog. It has also been my experience as someone else mentioned, that fox only take one per visit. Put up a game cam, it will confirm whatever you suspect, I suspect.
I would think coyotes would keep retrieving and take everything back to the den. A dog/s would not bother, it was just for sport.
If yo go looking for chickens, check around foundations, under old equipment, someplace no bigger than a rabbit escape.I once found my pair of Millie
fleurs under the edge of my cow barn in a place so small, they needed help to get out.
Coyotes can get interrupted. They kill as many as they can, and then start retrieving the bodies. If something happens in that process, they'll leave a bunch behind. That something could be the family going outside and discovering the birds.

My coyote attack was like that - I walked out to see a coyote with a bird in his mouth - he took off (and dropped the bird) - and came back looking for bodies a couple of times over the next couple days. Only 2 birds dead, but almost the whole flock was injured and looked dead/dying at the time. I had one sub-dominant rooster who was missing, but showed back up 10 days later - so there's a chance some come back, but I wouldn't be too hopeful.
Thank you for the sympathy. :)
I want to get a game cam. First order of business, tho, is to get some more secure fencing for the birds.
I would be seriously surprised if anyone showed up after this late date. I looked every single place and walked the field around us. We do live next to a grass land, so I suppose they could have hidden there.

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