DOH! Early crower still in the brooder.


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
A while back I had a terrible hatch, with only 1 chick. So I sent the DH to the feed store to pick up a brooder buddy. I tell him,

"I don't care what you buy, just make sure it is a large breed, since the bantys aren't sexed."

What's he bring home? A Mille Fleur de U'ccle--one that LOOKS rooey already. The DH says, "I REALLY like the coloring on this one! We can name her Snowshoes!"
Now, I know the owner of the feedstore, and she would have steered him to another breed, so we know the decision was all the DH. Long story short, vaccinations had to wait, so the chicks are still in the brooder until Saturday. They've been inside 5 weeks?

Last night I hear this sound---like someone is stepping on a squeaky toy. My DS & I rush out, expecting to find a chick in the dog's mouth or a hole in the roof & a meteor crushing the brooder.

NOPE! Snowshoes is standing on the waterer, putting the chicks to bed. All this morning too... Not even the hint of a proper crow, just a "RAAWK!" Like I need another crower.

ETA: I failed to mention the brooder is in the kitchen, next to the MIL's bedroom door. Oddly enough, she announced she is leaving to go home this morning.
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ETA: I failed to mention the brooder is in the kitchen, next to the MIL's bedroom door. Oddly enough, she announced she is leaving to go home this morning.

That's one way to get rid of a houseguest. Sounds like this roo is a keeper!
Nah-- I love my MIL. Plus the kids only want to play with grandma...

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