Domestic geese on a wild turkey / deer property?


8 Years
Oct 28, 2015
Coast Range, Oregon
I have a 10 acre bit of land on which deer graze every day, and through which wild turkey flocks frequently pick over on their way to where ever. I am thinking of keeping domestic fowl of some kind, which I have not had since I was a teen, sometime back in the Pleistocene, and this question is about geese in my situation.

My question is how free range-ish domesticated geese in general, and Toulouse in particular, might get along with the visiting wildlife. Oh, which in winter also includes migrating Canada geese. Basically, I'm wondering if the domestics would harass the wildlife or ignore them. Also, if they would go honky-bonkers, like they're want to do so often, if non-predatory wildlife showed up.

Comments and personal experiences welcome.
Geese would co exist with non predatory wildlife with no problems.
On occasion, canada geese will cross breed with domestics, but even then it is rare. I keep a free range flock of geese in an area very heavily visited by deer and turkeys, and have never had any conflicts. They keep to themselves for the most part, although the turkeys like to eat the grain on occasion...

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