Dominique gender


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
I have two 6 week old Dominiques that are supposed to be pullets. One has always been bigger than the other, and "she" has very thick long legs. The legs are the same color as the other pullets.. There are no other differences between them. Do you think the legs indicate she is a roo? Their heads look the same as far as comb development. They are both very sweet.
Yes, a picture is always helpful.

Notice the difference in the legs of the first one (Jezebel) and the second one (Gerty) from the same batch. She is 6 1/2 weeks old here. As she is aging she looks more like her sister, especially in the head. She has thick long legs though.
Honestly they both look like pullets. My boy had a massive comb at six weeks, so I'm pretty sure she's a girl, but I'd give her some time
I think they're both girls but like BantamLover21 said rose comb breeds can be rather tricky to sex.

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