Dominique Roo Thinks He's A Lap Cat


8 Years
Apr 23, 2014
Jacobus, Pa
Ross my only Dominique cockerel from the August hatch of Nantahala Farm & Garden North Carolina eggs seems lost as a chicken. He is the only chicken of the 20 some from that hatch growing up together at my Cousin's farm who wants to be picked up and babied. They have been taking him in the house to watch TV with them. He is 4 months old so I brought him home to meet his 2 future 8 month old mates. He sat on my shoulder and didn’t poop for the ride home. So I put Ross out this morning with the flock of 6. The Doms seemed interested and friendly to him, the problem is Rosa my wheaten EE the super bully. I got this purebred Blue Wheaten Americana for her and she beat the crap out of him for weeks.

And she went straight for Ross, jumped on him and made him scream for mercy before she let him go. But continued to chase him around. I could tell Howard the Rooster was concerned he wasn’t keeping order but not concerned enough to take on Rosa. I know they have to work it out so I went in for 2 hours before I went back out to check on Ross. After 10 minutes of searching and hollering I heard him whimpering and found him hanging upside down with his leg jammed in a tomato trellis and a black eye.

So I brought him back in and made a place with news paper, perch, feeder & water.
That worked out most of the day until he insisted on sitting at my feet on the floor.

Then fell asleep at 8 pm and woke up at 9 with him snuggled up against me. I swore I would never have a house chicken and thought people who did were nutz. Ordered him a polka-dot diaper and joined the nut club. What can I do he won’t leave the sofa now and thinks he’s a lap cat. My real cat gave me Lyme Disease what will Ross contribute probably lice.

I just tried to put Ross back outside. He ran up the gate and jumped through the net at top to get back to me. If he's going to fly out of the yard to get away I don't have much choice keeping him inside.

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