
Hey NYREDS. My FIL says he called you last year about getting a couple of Trios of your Dominiques, and you were going to call him back , but never did. He doesn't hear well on the phone so here's his email [email protected]. Ne also has some RIRs.
Sorry about that. I had so many inquiries last year I guess he got lost in the shuffle. Thought I had taken care of everyone. If I have birds available this year I'll contact him first.
NYREDS, The last posted picture is some of his reds he wouldlike to know if you are interested in trading.
No, I'm pretty satisfied with my Reds & have no interest in an unknown outcross.

These are my first Dominique cockerels. The straight comb one was delicious. The 2 best are with the hens, and the rest joined the straight combed one. They are telling the big ol boar coon, that he better stay away, and laughing at his predicament. Most Dominique breeders are very willing to help new breeders get started. Dominique Club of America member.

My first dominque
The guy at the feed store thinking I knew nothing about chickens said we have some dominques they are the same thing as barred rocks I couldn't help but inform him otherwise although I'm no expert I do know there is a difference
Glad to see so many people interested in this beautiful breed...

Two things to address - someone mentioned "modified rose comb". Yes you can have a rose comb bird with a single comb gene in there but they may have a terrible rose comb and they may have an exceptional rose comb. I do not believe it is the single comb gene's fault, it is the combination of many factors.

Someone posted a link with Dominiques for sale. I have never bought from them but sadly the male they have photographed on their site is in no way exceptional. Perhaps he is not a good representative of their breeding program and they really do have nice birds, but if that is the case they should post photos of those nice birds.

There are several breeders listed in the Dominique Club of America's breeder's directory. The club is active and putting out some great newsletters again as well. We always love more members willing to learn and willing to teach and share knowledge to better this breed.

There is another thread here on BYC for Dominiques an official breed thread or something like that, more photos and discussion there I think ?

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