donald and louis have gone to a new home!


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
i just thought i should share this with you all since you helped me a lot with the ducks, they went to a new home today. It wasnt because i didnt want them, it was because they had no space to run around in my garden and i felt cruel keeping them in the run or in the pool, the lady they have gone to has a huge back garden and a real pond they will be a lot happier there! so this will be my last post on byc theres no reason for me to stick around thanks for all the help
Awww.... I thought you were a great duck parent. You did such a good job and you shared the entire adventure with us.... it was most awesome!

I hope they enjoy their new home. When you get older and have your own space, you'll be able to try it again.

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