Done with college!!!


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Some of you have followed me in my posts from a teenaged high school student to a soon to be college grad! Just wanted to let ya'll know that I took my last college test this morning and I am DONE! There were so many "lasts" this past week, but I am looking forward to all the new experiences I will have as a college grad! Definitely a bittersweet time, but boy is it nice to be somewhat stress free!

For now I am hanging around the school until Sunday for my graduation ceremony!

Oh yeah, I will be getting a B.S. in Biology (Pre-professional studies) and a minor in Business.
I'm hoping to apply to vet schools over the summer so I can start in the Fall of 2013. I would like to be an avian and reptile veterinarian. I have a special place in my heart for parrots, but I'm not sure yet if I will go the exotics route or the poultry route!

If that fails, I will probably go on and try to get my ph.D. I enjoy forensics and I have done quite a bit of research in DNA work, so I think that could be a good fit for me as well.
Awesome sooooooo happy for you! I know i well have to figure out something for college/univiristy soon. i have nowered it down to three areas,

medical sector,
AG sector,
and maybe a piolit.

I would love to work with plants etc. Breeding my own verity would be fun!

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