Dong Tao - World's most expensive breed (with pictures)

I'm from Vietnam
Dong Tao is Vietnamese chicken breed prized for its delicious meat, has one of the most thickest legs usually not seen among birds of that size.
This chicken breed is endemic to the Dong Tao commune in Khoai Chau district, about 30km from Hanoi.
A kilo of Dong Tao chicken meat is priced around 20-30 usd but special rooster ( 5-6kg) with thick, strong legs can be worth up to 300-500 usd each
Prices very high further during Tet – the Vietnamese New Year – when Dong Tao chickens are in high demand.
After 10-12 month rooster will develop bigger & red legs .

Thank you for the information, Lemac!
My Dong Tao cockerel 5 month old , starting to crow

Neat! The birds have an interesting shape. I like their comb and wattles, something about it is unique. Can I ask some questions?
What are they like?
Do they lay many eggs or a few?
Will they sit on their eggs?
Are the rooster's legs thicker than the hen's legs?
Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Dong tao hen lay around 10eggs per month , they can sit on egg but no good . Hatching offen with an incubator
Baby chick's legs not difference , but adult rooster much bigger
Will take a pic of my 5 month hen later
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