Don't judge me, but, I'm looking for videos of chicken farts, burps, and other funny noises!


5 Years
May 17, 2018
Golden, Colorado
I know this is a weird request but, hear me out--I need evidence of a chicken fart. Asking for a friend. 😆

I figure with how many of us have phones on us at all times and are constantly recording our chickens that somewhere out there someone is bound to have captured this behavior on video. If it exists, that is.

I suffer from an overabundance of curiosity and would love video evidence (with sound, of course) of everything from flatulent chickens to a chicken hiccup! Burps and tummy rumbles welcome too!

I found one video on youtube of a chicken "farting" but it was really just purring/trilling in a way that made its butt feathers ruffle as it made the sound. Other videos seemed to just be sound effects inserted by the videographer. You can only imagine my disappointment. :lol:

I'm sure I won't get a ton of responses since this is such an odd question and probably a rare event to catch this moment on film. But rest assured, even if you happen to stumble across this thread years later with such a video--please, please share! I will come back and check, 100%. And if not me, some other weary internet traveler with the same question on their mind will find and enjoy it, I'm certain.
tenor (5).gif
Birds certainly "burp," or at least make sounds that sound like burps. It's usually when they over-eat or eat too fast. My emu Mundy goes crazy for greens and always ends up burping.
Asking for a friend. 😆
You are NOT asking for a friend!! 😂

Actually to be quite honest my curiosity has got the better of me and I clicked 'watch'. I must admit I didn't even know that a chicken was capable of such things. Mine Sometimes make weird noises whilst trying to push the egg out but I've never ever witnessed a fart before.
Feeding lots of beans could possibly activate the farting mechanisms? Idk.
Birds certainly "burp," or at least make sounds that sound like burps. It's usually when they over-eat or eat too fast. My emu Mundy goes crazy for greens and always ends up burping.
Oh my gosh, I'd go ballistic over a video of a burping emu. :lau
Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

You are NOT asking for a friend!! 😂
Okay, you caught me. 🤣🤣🤣

I'm frankly surprised that so many people have already responded. Hopefully this bodes well for my chances of actually getting to see a video of a flatulent chicken!!

I'm also so, so proud of all of you for your interest in this very important topic. 🤓

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