Don't know how to use an incubator


10 Years
Sep 5, 2009

I was wondering if anyone could help me with this, I usually let the mother hen(s) hatch the eggs so I really don't know how to use an incubator. We got 14 I believe quail eggs earlier and the woman we got them from nicely let us use her incubator but didn't explain how to use it very well so I am quite flustered right now. Its on my desk right beside me with the eggs inside it and it's on and I followed what the woman said, put water on the bottom and all,(in the right place), but whenever I try to turn it down it shuts off! And whenever I turn it up it wont go down from 104! And even though I open the vents it still wont cool down to 100 or 98 at least, I would really like to at least have some hatchlings from this but this is just annoying me to much. The one I am using looks like this,


hope someone can help soon, don't want the pore little quail eggs to not survive the heat.
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Sorry to bump again, it keeps rising, its now at 105 degrees.
Please can someone help me? I'm getting really worried, I don't want them to die and its to late to take them out and wait until morning to have some help.
That looks like a still air model. I'm pretty sure it's shutting off when you turn it down because that's how it regulates the temp. When it's too hot, it shuts off and lets itself cool down, only coming back on if it needs to heat up more.
Here is info on hatching quail.
they are not quail the major difference will be the incubation period. Other factors may be different as well. I have only hatched chickens (mostly) and ducks (only a few). The incubator should not be on all the time. Only on long enough to reach the temp that it is set to. To get your temp down might take patients. When the incubator comes on...turn it down just a touch. If you turn it down to far the temp will drop too low. Check the temp often. If the temp is still to high and the incubator is on. Then turn it down some more. I would only turn it until it turns off, but it probably will come back on within about 10-30min, then I would turn it until it goes off again. Repeat until temp is ideal.
Also, keep the incubator away from drafts or vents, (I know this might sound crazy but) don't put the incubator on anything that vibrates (like a dryer). There is always more to tell or recommend. Let me know if I can help.

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