Don't know if she's got ingrown feathers or is it a cyst?


Aug 20, 2015
West Long Beach
She seems fine...eating, drinking, digging..... Just bloody yesterday and now again today. Looks Like she is pullipulg fethers out. her environment is safe and she is by herself. She molted before Christmas.


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I have a hunch you haven't washed that wound and inspected it to judge how serious it is. All wounds on a chicken should be cleaned well, dirt and foreign material flushed out so infection doesn't set in, just as you'd do for a human wound.

Then take a pic of the cleaned wound and we can maybe figure out what may have caused it. I doubt very much you're dealing with something as simple as an ingrown feather or she's doing this to herself. My guess is she had a visit from a dog or raccoon or possum.
Well maybe all her flock has passed she is finally getting along with the new flock.... Still is bossy but not as mean to them but they are only together when I'm home and there out of their coop. I was getting ready to combine them but now this. So ....
I have a hunch you haven't washed that wound and inspected it to judge how serious it is. All wounds on a chicken should be cleaned well, dirt and foreign material flushed out so infection doesn't set in, just as you'd do for a human wound.

Then take a pic of the cleaned wound and we can maybe figure out what may have caused it. I doubt very much you're dealing with something as simple as an ingrown feather or she's doing this to herself. My guess is she had a visit from a dog or raccoon or possum.
:goodpost:I would also suggest that you clear a perimeter around the wound. Cut the feathers away from all the edges. We could see better. And this will help keep the wound cleaner. I like to use betadine 50/50 with water to flush it clean. Once it’s cleaned please post more pictures.
Well maybe all her flock has passed she is finally getting along with the new flock.... Still is bossy but not as mean to them but they are only together when I'm home and there out of their coop. I was getting ready to combine them but now this. So ....

Do NOT add her to the "new" flock until you deal with her injury. They'll peck at her injury. Sounds like her original flock all passed, you're adding her to a new batch of chickens. That you allow her with them when you're home but are you constantly supervising? I'm agreeing with Brahma Chicken5000, looks like she was attacked .... Maybe pecked by one of the "new" flock members. 2x azygous that wound needs to be cleaned.
I have a hunch you haven't washed that wound and inspected it to judge how serious it is. All wounds on a chicken should be cleaned well, dirt and foreign material flushed out so infection doesn't set in, just as you'd do for a human wound.

Then take a pic of the cleaned wound and we can maybe figure out what may have caused it. I doubt very much you're dealing with something as simple as an ingrown feather or she's doing this to herself. My guess is she had a visit from a dog or raccoon or possum.
First of all accusing me is not helpful. Your hunch was wrong! I love my chicken queen. And I take care of my chickens! They are all my babies! And yes she is in a very safe inclosure. She is not with any other chickens, no animals have gotten her. I believe she has a cyst. That's what it looks like. And yes she has a Dr. Apt.
Do NOT add her to the "new" flock until you deal with her injury. They'll peck at her injury. Sounds like her original flock all passed, you're adding her to a new batch of chickens. That you allow her with them when you're home but are you constantly supervising? I'm agreeing with Brahma Chicken5000, looks like she was attacked .... Maybe pecked by one of the "new" flock members. 2x azygous that wound needs to be cleaned.
Well your wrong.... As I said she's not with any other chickens. Also she wasn't attacked! She was in her huge coop by herself. And yes I had cleaned/flushed it and again today.. It looks like a tumor/cyst. And yes she is going to the vet tomorrow. Smh

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