Don't know what to do about laying HELP!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
I have herritage breed Black Spanish turkeys, which lay and raise the poults themselves. I have two females, and each lay every other day on different days (as in one lays one day, and the next day the other lays). I have one problem. We have three males, and, as i mentioned earlier, two females (we used to have three females, but we let them out during the day and one got eaten or decided not to come back). The males, I think, step on the eggs every now and then and they sometimes break, resulting in the female taking the egg out of the nest and they all eat it. We have three eggs right now, probably four by the end of the day, and we should have about six or seven. The nesting boxes are on the ground inside their coop, and we don't have any way of currently lighting it inside, so it must be where light can get to it, and they won't lay outside when their eggs can be inside out of the weather.
If anybody has a way of fixing this, or knows what really is happening (I'm not positive that it is the males doing it), please give me any information that could help, thanks.

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