Door to runs

Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Sequim, WA
I'm almost done!! I've only been working on this since last spring!
I need some close up pictures of your doors to your runs. I want to make mine from 2x4s and chicken wire. I would greatly appreciate it, Thanks!!
I can't actually help you since ours is made from kennel panels. The only reason I'm commenting is to say that I had no idea Forks, WA was an actual place. I thought it was made up, lol. I guess you have to werewolf proof your run.
Here is a picture of my door on the inside of my coop. I plan on building a door just like it for the run when I finish it.
Just remember that a chicken wire door isn't secure from predators. You'll need to lock your chickens up in a secure coop at night to keep them safe.
I put the word out that I needed an old screen door, and voila, a friend had one sitting in his shed..I reinforced the screen with 2x4 welded wire, switched the 'swing' on it, and had it made in the first i was going to build my own door, but by the time came around to build it....nahhhhhh, if i can find something else,,,,,,,
I don't know how to upload pics, but I can tell you that the door to the chicken run is an old two panel bathroom was free. At first I wasn't too excited about a solid door, but I came to respect that it was solid, with 100+ lb dogs running around and crafty coons lurking. Plus, it provides a shady spot and a wind break on those hot days. Did I mention that it was Free?!
Yep, its real alright. You wouldn't believe all the tourist that have been coming through, from all over the world too!
My daughter was out lake fishing with some friends one evening and she texted me that "the Cullen family was doing laps around the lake". Being a lame old mom I thought she was saying she saw some people rowing around the lake. "No mom, there were bats, bats flying around the lake!"
Hummmm, maybe I should at least watch one of the movies so I might know whats going on.
That may be the way I need to go. Our dumb dogs are always knocking the kids over to get out and take off. My fear is that one of them will pound the door in. They have been in their kennel and would freak out when the chickens would be out in the yard. They are my biggest concern. Thank you for the suggestion. I will have to post something on and see what I can come up with.

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