Dosage for Corid

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Is your intent to deworm your hens? If so, then use a dewormer like Valbazen. Dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeat in 10 days.

Corid is a Coccidiostat, it is not an anthelmintic (dewormer) so it will not be effective in treating worms.
Sorry, my mistake. The intent is to address coccidiosis. I had used Valbazen several months back, but there were still some persistent issues with poopy butts/eggs and so the vet recommended trying Corid (especially because my yard is very wet).

But after I put out their medicated water, I remembered that one of the chicken products I'd used in the past had a "Not when molting!" warning. I was relieved to find that it was not the case with Corid.
Sorry, my mistake. The intent is to address coccidiosis. I had used Valbazen several months back, but there were still some persistent issues with poopy butts/eggs and so the vet recommended trying Corid (especially because my yard is very wet).

But after I put out their medicated water, I remembered that one of the chicken products I'd used in the past had a "Not when molting!" warning. I was relieved to find that it was not the case with Corid.
Yes, Corid is fine to give during molt, so you're good!
I hope you see some improvement:)
Yes, Corid is fine to give during molt, so you're good!
I hope you see some improvement:)

I appreciate you having your eye out for that error! Coccidiosis is often lumped in with conversations about worms, and I took me WAY too long to learn that it is a protozoa not an actual worm (though I suppose it is a parasite which is why it gets lumped in with them).

My next project is adding sand and better roofing to their run to address the wetness issue. I'm hoping it will make them happier and healthier!

Thank you again!

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