Dosaging Chickens. . . making sure they get enough sulfadimethoxine

Thanks. It looks like I did use a bit more than I should have, 1/4 tsp per gallon, however, the girls seem to be doing well. The original hen/rooster looks good, one of my younger hens has traces but looks pretty healthy.

I looked for my pack to check the concentration and can't find it. Not that unusual for this house.
I called the manufacturer ( of the sulfadimethoxine (3.77 oz powder) today (6-28-13)and the man there told me 1 leveled teaspoon per gallon of water for chickens.
I agree. I've read quite a few recommendations for dosage, and it's mostly a tsp per gallon. One resource said 2 tsp per gallon if the infection is severe.

You may be a new egg, but you're a smart egg, too!
I called the manufacturer ( of the sulfadimethoxine (3.77 oz powder) today (6-28-13)and the man there told me 1 leveled teaspoon per gallon of water for chickens.
According to the Durvet website they state this:
To make 1

1 tsp per gallon
of water
I hope this clears the amount up.

This is scary! I was using 1/4 teaspoon for chickens and 1/8 tsp for turkeys and fecal exams showed it was working slowly but not enough to eliminate Coccidia spores, just the Oocysts. So I checked the link above, which no longer gives any dosage because Durvet does not make the powder anymore. If you want their product, you have to pay freight for the liquid form. I called them anyway because an online vet showed Durvet powder still in stock. Yes, the tech said 1 tsp/gallon for chickens, turkeys, and ducks. I was floored and called back. Turns out they do not have a veterinarian on staff. In my opinion that dosage could cause organ damage to turkeys or Ricketts to any bird, two risks listed in one of the veterinary manuals someone posted online. I have been trying to minimize risks by always adding vitamin electrolytes to the same water. Coccidia deplete vitamin B anyway, and the extra C should help prevent Ricketts.

As soon as my new prescription order arrived, I measured out the contents. It has the same net weight contents of 3.34 ounces even though the new package is labeled "Sulfasol" and is made by MED-PHARMEX in Pomona, CA. I called them and they are not allowed to convert package dosage to teaspoons, so I have to trust my measuring spoons. My package had 30 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon of powder. That's 31 teaspoons per 50 gallons water for chickens. Doing the math, 31t/50 gal = .62 tsp/gallon. The closest equivalent is 5/8 teaspoon/gal which is 0.625 tsp/gallon or 1/2 t + 1/8 t per gallon. However, if you use more than one gallon every day, it's easier to do the math for 5 gallons by moving the decimal. That makes 3.1 tsp/5 gallons, close enough to 1 Tablespoon/gallon or 1/2 Tablespoon for 2.5 gallons. This is 0.05% for chickens! Turkeys would get 1/2 Tablespoon for 5 gallons water to make 0.025% concentration.
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