Double posting and posting before I've clicked submit!!

Thanks to those posting their computer OS and Browser versions... this is necessary when trying to duplicate, find, and fix a bug.

I had to ask my 14 yr old about OS. Operating system. Windows 8 for me using Firefox.

Don't forget some of us more mature people might not be as computer savvy as you techies.
Looks like our Dev team was able to track down the issue. It should be cleared up now.

If you see it again, please reply with:

  • Reproducibility: Were you able to reproduce this problem consistently?
  • Repro Steps: What steps did you take to reproduce this problem?
  • Expected: What action did you expect to occur when this bug appeared?
  • Notes: Any additional information that will help us diagnose the issue
  • Browser, active browser add-ons, and operating system
  • URL where the issue occurs
Seems to be working now, thanks! FWIW, it was doing the same thing on my old iPad running Safari. I'll look up what version later and edit this post.

[COLOR=2B2E2F]Looks like our Dev team was able to track down the issue. It should be cleared up now.[/COLOR] If you see it again, please reply with:
  • Reproducibility: Were you able to reproduce this problem consistently?
  • Repro Steps: What steps did you take to reproduce this problem?
  • Expected: What action did you expect to occur when this bug appeared?
  • Notes: Any additional information that will help us diagnose the issue
  • Browser, active browser add-ons, and operating system
  • URL where the issue occurs
It happened again while on iPad/Safari. This time I took a video and will embed them as soon as I upload them to YouTube. -Kathy
Thanks for the screenshots!

Out tech team has requested that we get very specific information in order to help troubleshoot issues like this. The details are here:

Basically, these are the bits they require when we submit a bug report, and without this info, they aren't able to supply us with much support:

Help us help you - when reporting a bug, use the following template and include as much of this information as you can:
  • Reproducibility: Were you able to reproduce this problem consistently?
  • Repro Steps: What steps did you take to reproduce this problem?
  • Expected: What action did you expect to occur when this bug appeared?
  • Notes: Any additional information that will help us diagnose the issue
  • Browser, active browser add-ons, and operating system
  • URL where the issue occurs

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