Double yolk

I think it has been a couple years for me too. I sometimes have as many as 50 hens. Right now I'm getting a couple dozen eggs a day. So it isn't that common.

If they were to hatch successfully, it would be more common since the genetics would be passed on.
It's fine. We're good :) you don't have to apologize. I understand. And that's interesting. I guess I didn't think about the whole getting the laying thing figured out. I guess I forgot about that. Makes more sense than my guess haha. I guess I just figured that since they were meant to lay eggs specifically, that they would have more mess-ups than hens not meant for eggs specifically(which bantams normally aren't). But I wonder why I haven't seen a bantam hen(or pullet most likely) lay an egg with more than one yolk? Interesting....Maybe I'm just lucky haha. I have a few cochin bantam(and a cochin banty x mix banty roo pullet) and silkie pullets that so far haven't laid any double yolk eggs. But, neither have my silver campine pullets... Come to think of it, I haven't had any hens lay double yolk eggs in like 2 years. That's weird haha. Once again, interesting....Very interesting.
None of my bantam's have EVER laid a double yolker, but my red sex links lay them on a regular basis. I had to check them carefully before putting a few in the incubator to make sure I didn't accidentally put a double yoker in there, mostly because I have a heart attack with a single hatchling waiting on them... let alone knowing i'd probably be dooming twins.
You're right. They can and do survive. That doesn't mean it is a good idea.
In humans, in spite of the health risks, having twins, triplets or more, multiple births are between 3 and 4% of all births.
In chickens (and likely all other egg layers), twins account for about 0.0000000000000001% of all hatches. What does that tell you?

I fell off my roof and survived. It wasn't a good idea.
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I have never set a double yolk egg either but I have had several double yolkers from my bantams usually they are very long narrow shaped eggs not much room for one chick less for two
The suspense is killing me
I know right?

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