Double yolks


Jul 30, 2015
i have two chickens that lay eggs with double yolks, and one does it at least once and sometimes twice a month, and the eggs are so big, is this bad for them or is it normal?
I can't help but think it's normal. My Welsummer used to lay about two gargantuan double-yolkers a week, and she's still alive and healthy!
Honestly, these eggs were so big that it was almost scary. There have also been some BYCers whose hens laid triple-yolkers.....ouch! An Easter Egger of mine gave us her first egg ever last week, and we were surprised to discover that it contained two yolks when it was cracked into the skillet.

Welcome to BYC!

What breed of chickens do you have and how old are they? We have 3 red sex link girls in our mixed flock and they lay huge eggs, much bigger than our other breeds. It wasn't uncommon to find double yolks in their eggs when they first began laying but now that they are over 1 year, it happens less frequently.

You might find this article from the Learning Center interesting, it covers the causes of common egg irregularities:

Enjoy your flock and thanks for joining us!

I just put this little egg in incubator, I thought it was a fart egg. It has 2 yolks. I know it will not hatch, but I would like to see how fat it will develop, and will take the vein-y pics as well.

yesterday I candled this egg (not bantam, possibly a first egg) before putting it in incubator. It was clear. today it candled with 2 red blobs one slightly darker. hard to see in pic but really moved individually in egg.

here are the 2 blobs after one day. darker one on the bottom...

below is the darker blob by it's self,

this is a candled double yolk-er.(diff egg)

the above egg only made it to day 10.
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i have two chickens that lay eggs with double yolks, and one does it at least once and sometimes twice a month, and the eggs are so big, is this bad for them or is it normal?

Welcome to BYC! Double yolk is not health hazardous. I believe double yolkers tend to happen when the ovary releases an egg yolk but it misses the infundibulum. The infundibulum is the opening to the oviduct, it's like a catcher's glove. Then when the hen ovulates again the yolk from the previous ovulation goes into the infundibulum with the other egg yolk and get put in the same shell.
Twins and Triplets hatch from these eggs.

if they are fertile that is.

Value for money for the incubator eh ? get 150 chickens from the 112 egg incubator. LOL. build your incubator into an old fridge instead and fit as many as you like.

A fertile double yolk egg can hatch twins, a triple gives triplets. Not always though, but sometimes.

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