Down sizing in Iowa


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
OK guys, I just have tooooo many I really need to down size this fall. So here is what I have and what I want for them, I will accept reasonable offers. I can deliver close by but will not take less then what I want if I am going to deliver. SORRY BUT I DONT SHIP....

a quad of call ducks. 1 drake and 3 hens. These are all a yr old or less. $45 for all.

Various turkey poults. these come from a blue tom and either a red or blue hen. I have at least 10 that I want to get rid of. These are all 1 to 2 months old. $8. each

4 frizzle hens and 1 frizzle roo. 3 black and 1 white and black speckled hens and 1 white roo. These are full and started laying a few eggs this fall. $7. each.

random banty hens, $3. each. There are pures and mixed.

I also have a bunch of silkies of various colors. There are 5 roos and 7 hens. I will take $60 for the whole group or $15 a pair. I dont want to be left with no hens and a bunch of roos.

Also I have 1 pair of adult geese that are 3 yrs old. They are all white and are a cross between embden and giant dewlaps. They worked together to sit on a nest this year. Unfortunately none of the eggs hatched since there was a turkey hen that kept trying to sit with them and the eggs got rolled all over . I would like $30 for the pair.

Email or PM me and I can send you pics. Jenn
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Darn to far to drive

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