Dragon Cave - Latest Thread

If u want them you can have them, do u want me to influence they're sex first?

Ummmm....I'm thinking that you have to influence, let them hatch first, then trade. I think if you influence and trade before hatching, the influence becomes nil. Hafta find than info somewhere......
If anyone has a thunder dragon they would be willing to give up i will take it
i don't have one and i can't find one in the cave or ap no matter how hard i try
Thanks for the eggs DD! I'm so excited to try and breed my ices and thunders to help others out! Oh and I checked my festival eggs and have about twice as many as I had before? Again, thanks to whoever helped be out! (DD?)
I been clicking on the Easter Eggs for you since I was logged in, but I'm not now cause you logged in, almost got them all - 6 more to go. Don't forget to leave room for that Pink when it genders.
Ok thanks so much!
I will leave room for it... I think I have two hatchies and two eggies. I just found a white and orange egg, so five more!!
ETA: Oops make that 4 more!!

And lastly... Just caught this: Anyone want it?
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