Dragon Cave - Latest Thread

Dang it!
Do you need any of the trio? I can get you one of those. See anything else that you like? With transport, I'm gonna go CRAAAZY!!

I'd love a Swallowtail dragon if you want to breed one for me.
I don't have any yet.

I'll try to breed them!

Matthew, DD posted some hatcheries on the first page. They help your hatchlings and eggs get veiws and clicks so that they can live.
I'd love a Swallowtail dragon if you want to breed one for me.
I don't have any yet.

I'll try to breed them!

Thank you!
You have a Guardian of Nature?! YOU ARE SO LUCKY!

I'll teleport you an egg when I summon again, cause the scroll limit is two and I only want one for now.

I'll say it again....you can NOT give a GoN to anyone. Can't teleport, can't trade, they are scroll specific.
Desert Dawg.......you might not be called upon to transfer as much, but your expertise at nabbing extraordinary eggies on our scrolls and/or giving them to others will still be needed.

Say! I was on ML's scroll yesterday and caught a '1/3 the size of other eggs'.....did I nab a chicken for him? Now for a leetle tree and we would be complete (for now)
yep 1/3 the size is a chicken. Ya I can still nab eggs on peoples scrolls for them but we will all be limited to teleporting by how many Magi's we have. Don't know whats going on with the old fashioned way of transferring in the AP cause I lost one trying, yet in the rare departure thread they were using both ways so will have to look into that more.

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