Dragon Cave - Latest Thread

I think soo, too. One site that I use gives information about you are locked and will be unlocked, etc.....now that I have so many eggs and hatchies, I think it's mind is blown!

You're right I DID nab a chicken for MagicLance!
DANG IT! SO thats why all of the hatchlings I put on HQ died!

Thanks for letting us know about that DD!
I saw this post and it reminded me that I use to play dragoncave. I went to look up my scroll and it wasw gone:( I had soooo many dragons too:( Last count was 150 with 40 being silver and 30 being gold.....all gone:( I just started over again yesterday-sigh. So I am down to 4 eggs

I am DaynaRocks
Check out my scroll and that of my hubby's....at the top of the first page, you should see a 'trophy badge'. I'm a gold and he's a silver. I know you have to have 500+ for gold and 250+ for silver, but can't remember what it takes to get the first badge, which is bronze.
Check out my scroll and that of my hubby's....at the top of the first page, you should see a 'trophy badge'. I'm a gold and he's a silver. I know you have to have 500+ for gold and 250+ for silver, but can't remember what it takes to get the first badge, which is bronze.

It takes 50 for a bronze.
Check out my scroll and that of my hubby's....at the top of the first page, you should see a 'trophy badge'. I'm a gold and he's a silver. I know you have to have 500+ for gold and 250+ for silver, but can't remember what it takes to get the first badge, which is bronze.

It takes 50 for a bronze.


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