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An antibiotic all guinea pigs are allergic too? Vet should have known that then.

Yeah, that's what I said. She also said to give them apple juice, which shouldn't have been a problem, but the antibiotic wasn't good. We took our dog there, too, but when that happened, we switched vets.
Sorry, I would, but I already have 5 eggs.
Thanks. The new ones... What are they exactly? Theyre... interesting.

Oh, and an idea: Maybe we could have a post where we keep everyone's scroll links so theres an easy way to give each other clicks, etc?
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Don't beat yourself up....you had Bear's best interest in mind and did what you thought was right by him. It is awful that he had a reaction from the anitibotics.

Please accept my heartfelt condolence on the loss of your Little Bear. I know just how hard it is to lose a part of your heart and family. KB:hugs

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