Dragon Cave - Latest Thread

Ahhh you have a red one! A shame I already traded the silver eggs off.

I see you've found sitting black alts! They STILL elude me. I'll get to em eventually though.

I also need a CaveBorn white - if anyone comes across one, will gladly trade a tinsel egg.
Well....heck! I had a CB white - just grew up! I sure need a CB Vine! Let me know what you need - check my scroll and that of ML's and if there's something on there you want/need......

If either of us gets a sitting alt......
Christmas event started, dang I missed the first days ornaments. Look at your dragons too if you haven't, most are decorated for Christmas - very cute.

*I posted a wishlist on the DC forum for a Holly and the Tinsels and someone sent me 1 of each Tinsel.
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Finally got one of those dang alt-blacks! TWO of them! LOL! Hubby hatched two on his scroll, so I nicked them. Will freeze one and mayhap let one grow up. I still need an adult female alt black.

Enjoying the X-mas stuff so far. Looking forward to my Holly-Hunting...maybe this year is my year to get one.
Glad you remembered the Holidays, DDawg! Good to see you back.

Epona....did you get the sitting alts?

I hope to nail a Holly, too!
Of course I remembered, been checking the cave everyday and checking the DC forum for news of Christmas plans, been hunting for Vines and Whites for a couple of you, missed 1 day and wouldn't you know, that is the day it started.
Yup they're both sitting. Turns out only one type is available at a time. Currently the sitting ones are the ones available...obviously. Lol.

Me fingers are itching for the start of Christmas breeding season...

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