drainage out of one nostril and fluid build up in eye on same side

[email protected]

In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 27, 2010
seneca missouri
I have a 10 to 12 week old buff orpington pullet she has a drainage coming out of one nostril and alot of fluid in her eye that looks like spit on the same side. I would greatly appreciate some help.
I would try a water soluble antibiotic. You can get it at Tractor Supply or most feed stores.
Duramyacin or Terramyacin are usually pretty easy to find in powder form.
I would also isolate the sick one and try to keep her warm.
Good luck to you!
Measure out the amount of powder listed on the envelope of antibiotics and mix it into their water.
I would go ahead and treat all of the birds, just to be sure.
Sadly, no-so many of the respiratory illnesses share the same symptoms that it's really hard to tell.
A lot of them are contagious and in some, the birds remain carriers all of their lives.
Are you noticing a smell coming from the sick bird? If so, that could be Coryza. MG is a possibility(it's airborn), so many that without testing, it's very hard to know.
Hope it's something simple with yours!
I wrote to justanswer.com about an eye infection. The vet recommended Tylan for resp illness which I bought online for $50. It worked right away. It's a big bottle that lasts a long time if you buy it.

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