Drake/Duck Ratio


Oct 11, 2015
Southworth, WA
Adding ducks to our operation. We want to start small like we did with chickens and grow the flock organically. I understand that a 1 to 6 drake to duck ratio is optimum and am considering whether 1 to 9 or 2 to 8 would be better. (Metzer Farms has a 10 duckling minimum delivery.)

Any opinions?
Adding ducks to our operation. We want to start small like we did with chickens and grow the flock organically. I understand that a 1 to 6 drake to duck ratio is optimum and am considering whether 1 to 9 or 2 to 8 would be better. (Metzer Farms has a 10 duckling minimum delivery.)

Any opinions?
I just ordered from Metzer tonight. Just 2 blue Swedish. You can order just 1 if you want to!
Adding ducks to our operation. We want to start small like we did with chickens and grow the flock organically. I understand that a 1 to 6 drake to duck ratio is optimum and am considering whether 1 to 9 or 2 to 8 would be better. (Metzer Farms has a 10 duckling minimum delivery.)

Any opinions?
You can order just 1 if you want from Metzer there is no minimum
I had five females to one male, and it proved to be a disaster (3 buff, 3 pekin). The drake was a *cough cough* very busy pekin. He over-mated all my females, leaving the back of their heads covered in bloody scabs and would repick them when he decided to mate again. Fast forward a year, one of my ducks is crippled and another was so wounded, she was put down.
I don't know much about other people's experiences, but keep note of the size of the drake in comparison of the females. My mistake was mixing medium ducks with a large drake.
Good luck!
Excellent point--I've settled on 8 hens and 2 drakes and I selected mid-sized, hopefully calmer drakes (Cayuga, Buff) to minimize wear and tear on the hens. Familiar with overzealous mating in my chicken flock, so know how to separate boys or girls out as needed. Thanks!

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