Drake Mallard 8wks, wing


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Manvel Texas
Ok, Ive seen several post in here with ppl posting and asking what is wrong with there ducks wing, or what kind of duck it is....I know Racer is a mallard drake....but what Im wanting to know is why is it that I assume mallards have this happen with there wings?


I have a blue swedish and a pekin also drakes and there wings dont do that nor my hen pekin

so Im just wondering why they do this


its straight up in the air
It looks to be "angel wing". I've never dealt with it but run a search, there should be lots of info.
A little hard to see with such small photos, but with the wings not fully grown yet you can still strap the wings to help them grow into the right direction. Angel wing is more commonly seen the form of the wings sticking out at an angle rather than straight up. 2txmedics I have had ducks that have sticking up wings and done nothing to them. The feathers will often correct themselves as they grow and are long enough to be kept in place streamlined against the body.
Ill be the broken record and say it again. 16% protien or less on your bagged food at 6wks of age or right before the wing feathering begins coupled with exercise. Never deal with angel wing again. Way too easy to prevent angelwing.
Ok thanks everyone I really appreciate all the input and help....I knew I had seen something on it in here but wasnt sure what it was.
I wanted to Thank everyone for there help....I got busy with my grand daughter 11mos old....she is a cardiac baby and well I kind of got busy to wrap Racer's wing, but I when I finally had time, which was about a week later...I noticed that his wing got fixed on its own!!! and he has beautiful blue and white coming in on those wings!!! Its perfect just like its suppose to be, I got very lucky or I should say Racer got very lucky....

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