Drakes to Hen Ratio


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Manvel Texas
Ok, looking like I might after all have 3 drakes and one hen....Cooper, whom I thought was a drake, is very loud, chatty etc....the others are very quite!! Then I was told its the female that is loud ....So, am I asking for problems if I have one hen and 3 drakes? or will they be ok? And will the drake ever be as chatty or loud as Cooper?

And do the drakes ever make noise to ward off predators? My babies are safe, Im just wondering, how good they would protect each other if a snake happen to venture in....
You will probably have problems with the ratio of 1 hen and 3 drakes. From what I have read and seen, you probably need the reverse 3 hens to 1 drake.
Boo! Same thing with me. Two of my three are not quacking. I think I'm going to have to rehome one and look for another female. I keep reading that you need about three per drake, but I hope I can get away with two.
I'm not looking for ward to trying to rehome a male duck.
It can depend alot on the temperament of the drakes- and more seasonally - the hormone levels. I currently have about 13 drakes in my yard without issues. Many of them are young boys- who have learnt there place in the flock. A few are too young to be of concern to the older dominant group - but there is rarely any fighting. Sometime a sideways glance and a nip to tell someduck that its not their turn in the pool yet- but on the whole- they get along fine. Others may not be so lucky- but drakes are generally not as bad as Roosters when it comes to having more than one and fighting.
One problem that can develop if there are too many drakes in the flock is "gang breeding." Multiple drakes trying to breed a hen at the same time can injure or drown her. This is more of a problem when the flock is maintained in limited quarters. Given enough space for the hens to get away from the drakes, the danger diminishes.
My MIL has 2 drakes and 3 hens. The drakes are constantly fighting but only when the less dominant drake tries to make with the other drakes' hen.
The dominant drake took 2 gals for himself and left the other with one. Thankfully one hen is sitting on her eggs now and isn't bothered and one is laying now. Poor gals, they always get stuck in the middle, lol.
I had 2 drakes and 2 hens together for almost a year and never had any problems with them. They paired up for the most part and stuck together with their mates, but they were mallards so not sure if there would be a difference with different breeds or not.

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