Dreamed my chickens laid eggs

My girls turned 6 months yesterday and have been laying for 3 weeks. Both EE laid a medium (over 49 g) egg today. We get small and mediums but as time passes we are getting more mediums and the occasional large from other breeds.

Oh wow, that seems pretty big! I wouldn't mind small or medium eggs but I'm pretty sure these don't even count as that lol hopefully they get bigger soon!! I've seen some people say their EEs lay a small or medium egg but then there's ones like Jujubara where the eggs are huge. I will be fine if the EEs lay smaller because the one that's laying now has a really pretty green egg :) I just hope that the other breeds lay bigger eggs!! They are Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington so theoretically they should!!! 1 BR, 2 BA, 3 BO, then the 2 EE. One started laying yesterday so we are now getting 3 eggs every day. Started laying 4 days ago including today. Got 2 eggs for 2 days and 3 eggs yesterday and today. The new one is bigger by a bit and darker brown and speckled a bit. My dad tried one yesterday and he said it was the most delicious egg. Tiny but delicious and the most rich egg he had. And he said the yolk was so bright orange and it was so fresh, stood straight up and everything. So that's good to know! :)
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They didn't move the scale!!! LOL well, 2 of the ones from today did but baaaareeeellyyyyy. Meanwhile all the large eggs from Stop & Shop look freaking HUGE and one weighed in at XL!!! Scale went flying lol bigger than some jumbos I've seen. Also the other day I dropped one which hit the side of the nest box roof and landed in the run but it didn't break!! It barely cracked but the egg shells are hard so that's good! It's still in there cause I don't even think it broke the membrane and I want to fill the carton but I'm going to give it to the dog after. Technically tomorrow we would have a baker's dozen since yesterday a third girl started laying but my dad ate her egg lol but ah well, still a colorful egg basket! Hers is a bit darker brown and the other is pretty light brown then the nice green one so a nice perfectly colorful egg carton just in time for Easter!!! Hopefully the other girls will lay soon!
I record all eggs in a book. Sweetie was my EE. All eggs are 60-63g with an occasional 59g. Fifi is a silkie and Hope a White Leghorn, for comparison to sizes.


This pic is my scale and the egg my White Leghorn laid today:

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That's a good idea! I may have to try that. And I'll have to get one of those digital scales too. Those are some pretty big eggs!
That's a good idea! I may have to try that. And I'll have to get one of those digital scales too. Those are some pretty big eggs!

Oh yeah, our WL is great. She lays just about everyday! For comparison our Cochin is at least 4 or 5 pounds heavier and lays a 60g egg, so the leghorn is a better deal, but we're suckers for the big fluffy butts!
Oh yeah, our WL is great. She lays just about everyday! For comparison our Cochin is at least 4 or 5 pounds heavier and lays a 60g egg, so the leghorn is a better deal, but we're suckers for the big fluffy butts!

BTW, I got the scale from Amazon for around $11!

That's awesome!! I didn't get any leghorns or white egg layers cause i heard they were more flighty but maybe next time I'll add some. I'm like in love with my Barred Rock though, she's amazing :) my EEs are great too but May is the only Barred Rock so it's a little different. Diva is my favorite EE though I love Bunny too. The Orps I kinda just love as a group cause they grew back some feathers so the only way I had to identify them us lost lol the Lorps are kinda mean but they're cool too. I guess. Really loud. So far 2 have been laying every day and the third one laid 2 days and appears to have taken the day off today lol

Is there a specific brand for the scale or?

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