Dreamed my chickens laid eggs

For the most part, getting mostly 6 to 8 eggs a day. Only got 6 today. Usually get 7. not sure why the one isn't laying, hasn't been for a little while but then again it's usually a different one not laying. Like sometimes a blue layer doesn't lay and sometimes the brown egg layer doesn't on the days I get 7 so maybe they all take turns ha i don't know. But yeah, have only been gettinf 7 or less lately. But I'll definitely post a picture of the egg basket when I remember!
Nice! We have a big broody cochin and a silkie that just stopped being broody. So we're only getting about 5 or 6 a day. The Leghorns are holding it down for everyone else! lol Our SS isn't laying in the nesting boxes anymore, and we keep finding her eggs broken.
She has really been pissing me off!
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Nice! We have a big broody cochin and a silkie that just stopped being broody. So we're only getting about 5 or 6 a day. The Leghorns are holding it down for everyone else! lol Our SS isn't laying in the nesting boxes anymore, and we keep finding her eggs broken.:barnie She has really been pissing me off! 

Fortunately I haven't had any broodies yet! The Orpingtons do spend a long time in there though lol that sucks about the Sussex! Hopefully she lays in the box soon! Mine occasionally lay outside the box but not really anymore.
Fortunately I haven't had any broodies yet! The Orpingtons do spend a long time in there though lol that sucks about the Sussex! Hopefully she lays in the box soon! Mine occasionally lay outside the box but not really anymore.

Idk what the heck she's thinking, but maybe all the broody hens have scared her away from the boxes! Lol
Lol maybe! I'd be scared of them too! My Barred Rock spent like 30, 40 minutes in the box today hah maybe more, that's just when I found her and let the others out to free range. Eventually I opened the cleaning door and one EE came over and hopped up and then kept looking at me and back at the BR lol when I first opened the door and she hopped up I'm pretty sure May hissed at her twice!! I told her not to hiss at Bunny, it wasn't nice and she stopped (though I will say that I do know she just happened to stop at the same time lol) but poor Bunny looked bewildered. I left and eventually bunny did too. Then a while later I went back to check again and get a picture of her in the box and Bunny plus some more chickens came in the run and stared at her too. And the rest of them even came outside the run to range. It was like her whole entourage was there telling her to get out of the **** box and xome outside LOL but she stayed. But eventually after a while she came out. I left the back door open after having closed it a while cause Bunny loomed like she wanted to lay or go in but was scared of going in the door closest to May hah but anywah, by May coming out I mean she barreled out and flew across the yard lol she was in a hurry and knew she was missing out I guess
My GLW seem to be spending 40 min to an hour per lay in their first week. We have had one egg a day for 5 days for a total of 5 eggs from 4 hens. I suspect the boss hen (Blue or Wobbles depending on if you use my names or my wife's :) ) has laid two, as has the number 2 hen Charlie/Flappy. I think Delta/Stinky has laid one and the lowest ranking of the four Echo/Pinky hasn't popped yet. She seems to want to check out the nest an hour after one of the others lays. Her comb didn't start reddening quite as fast as the others even though they are supposed to be from the same hatch.

Special thanks to my wifi chicken cam hack for allowing me to creep on their nesting habits in real time!
I find it funny how some hens spend forever in there and some spend almost no time. Love the names :) and reddening later doesnt necessarily mean she's younger, some hens just take longer to be ready :)

That camera sounds like a cool idea! I've been thinking of trying that but was worried cameras were expensive hah
Yeah, that was my implication, one is just a week or two behind the others in maturing. She has been in the next 2 or 3 times today, both nests, so she has to be almost ready.

What I did with the camera was take a 5-7 year old laptop that was functional, but not good for much modern stuff and the battery doesnt work, attach an older ball-type logitech webcam to it, install a free operating system called Linux Mint, and install skype. I set up a new gmail and skype account and set it to automatically accept calls by video. Since the coop is in range of the house WiFi, I can call the coop from skype on my phone or any laptop and see if they have laid or are in the boxes. It comes out like this:

I need to work on a more permanent and weatherproof box for the computer inside the coop, along with a more permanent power outlet so I could add a fan or something if needed, but so far the test has worked just fine.
Yeah, that was my implication, one is just a week or two behind the others in maturing. She has been in the next 2 or 3 times today, both nests, so she has to be almost ready. What I did with the camera was take a 5-7 year old laptop that was functional, but not good for much modern stuff and the battery doesnt work, attach an older ball-type logitech webcam to it, install a free operating system called Linux Mint, and install skype. I set up a new gmail and skype account and set it to automatically accept calls by video. Since the coop is in range of the house WiFi, I can call the coop from skype on my phone or any laptop and see if they have laid or are in the boxes. It comes out like this: I need to work on a more permanent and weatherproof box for the computer inside the coop, along with a more permanent power outlet so I could add a fan or something if needed, but so far the test has worked just fine.
And of course I say that and Echo/Pinky marches into the nest, squats for an hour, and lays her first egg. First two-egg day!
Ahh whoops, sorry i missed that hah And wow that's a great idea for the webcam! Never even thought of skype And aw congrats on the first egg!
Yeah, that was my implication, one is just a week or two behind the others in maturing. She has been in the next 2 or 3 times today, both nests, so she has to be almost ready. What I did with the camera was take a 5-7 year old laptop that was functional, but not good for much modern stuff and the battery doesnt work, attach an older ball-type logitech webcam to it, install a free operating system called Linux Mint, and install skype. I set up a new gmail and skype account and set it to automatically accept calls by video. Since the coop is in range of the house WiFi, I can call the coop from skype on my phone or any laptop and see if they have laid or are in the boxes. It comes out like this: I need to work on a more permanent and weatherproof box for the computer inside the coop, along with a more permanent power outlet so I could add a fan or something if needed, but so far the test has worked just fine.
That's really neat! I always wonder what they do in the early morning, before we let them out. I should get a camera.

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