
(What do you mean? Thats not what she was thinking thats what my messed up mind was :p)

"Are you leaving already?" Pearl asked sadly she swam around in circles

(Aight, your so slow when you reply)

'Well... i guess we don't have anywhere to go. And we are kinda lost....' Garin started out
'Hold on here just one second...' OMJ pulled Garin to the side.
'No, you listen. We're lost and this nice girl just wants to talk, and maybe, just maybe she'll show us the way. And weather you like it or not, i'm going with her' Garin replied
'Alright, alright. Let's talk a bit' OMJ reluctently said. (I'm not even gonna check my spelling, don't even try to make me)
(Aight, your so slow when you reply)

'Well... i guess we don't have anywhere to go. And we are kinda lost....' Garin started out
'Hold on here just one second...' OMJ pulled Garin to the side.
'No, you listen. We're lost and this nice girl just wants to talk, and maybe, just maybe she'll show us the way. And weather you like it or not, i'm going with her' Garin replied
'Alright, alright. Let's talk a bit' OMJ reluctently said. (I'm not even gonna check my spelling, don't even try to make me)

(Sorry I'm busy)

"What are you talking about?" Pearl asked cocking her head to the side she looked at the 2 innocently
(Sorry I'm busy)

"What are you talking about?" Pearl asked cocking her head to the side she looked at the 2 innocently
(Yea, you're also in Grade 6)

'Well, we're kinda lost. So if you wanna...' Garin was saying when
'Yea, yea. We're lost and hungry, we need some food and some shelter. If you could kindly direct us to the right direction we'll kindly get out of your hair.' OMJ inturupted
(Yea, you're also in Grade 6)

'Well, we're kinda lost. So if you wanna...' Garin was saying when
'Yea, yea. We're lost and hungry, we need some food and some shelter. If you could kindly direct us to the right direction we'll kindly get out of your hair.' OMJ inturupted

"Oh come with me!" Pearl said and dove into the water

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