Drinking Out The Milk Carton

The rule at our house is if you get caught drinking out of the container you had better finish it then. So don’t get caught drinking out of a full one, or you are going to be relieving a high school pep-rally!
Only if its glass. I miss delivered milk so bad. I could not wait for fresh milk every day it was due.

I don't drink much milk but have drank out of the jug before....usually the end of it so I will finish it.

I think that is so gross to let the dogs like your dishes. I yell at my husband all the time for it.
We drink out of the carton. Or jug. or 2L bottle. Except it's just me and DH, and he's a big time drinker (non alcoholic lol) so the jugs never last more than 24 hours anyway. The only thing we use glasses for is water, coz drinking from the faucet is kinda impractical, unless you happen to already be washing dishes or something.
I also drink from the shower.

But not anymore since I became lactose intolerant. So far, no one has tried to do that in my house, but I'm sure as the boys get older, and strong enough to lift a gallon jug by themselves, they will eventually try it-and get caught and reprimanded thoroughly.

We let the dogs lick the plates sometimes, even the babies' highchair tray has been offered to the pups on occasion. Its not like the dishwasher doesnt sanitize, and I always spray the tray with clorox spray before washing it with hot water and soap afterwards. I figure, heck, the little kids have been known to share an ice cream cone with the dogs, so whats a few licks to their tray gonna hurt? I'm gonna wash it anyways...
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I remind the kids not to drink from other bottles. Water bottles is the main issue when we have them. I worry about them picking up one of the many bacteria we carry. I can not recall the last time I drank from a carton/jug.Just seems easier to pour out a glass.

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