Drop in egg production


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 17, 2007
Hi, I have a problem with my girls some are a little older(nearly 2.5 yrs) which were ex battery hens. I recently purchased 15 pullets , altogether we had just over 30 girls and a roo. The eggs came quicky about 22-24 per day slowly but surely the egss slowed, firstly because of the weather it got a little cool and stayed that way for a while. Then we had lice (all fixed now) which caused loss of feathers. I lost a few to age so now I'm down to 25 but I'm only getting 10-12 eggs daily. So I guess my question is should I get rid of the older girls (I'm not sure if they're still laying) I have tried giving them protein and some oats or barley. Don't know what else to do to increase eggs Pleas help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe in fresh vitamin water daily. McMurray also sells Avian 2000; it's a bit too expensive, but after starting mine on it egg production doubled. Could be coincidental, but still, I suggest supplying the ultimate diet which includes vitamin water, use DE for control of mites/lice, etc., and keep the chickie house clean. Give minimum of 14 hours of full spectrum light daily. Hope this helps.
2.5 yrs old isn't too old. I had some that were 6 years old that finally quit. Make sure you're giving them the 14 plus daylight hours with a light set up compensate the shorter days.

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