dry dog food?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 14, 2013
i read on here that someone gives their chicks dry dog food...a handful every day and they lay more eggs..is this true and safe? i have not done this
personally I wouldn't. dog food is highly processed and chickens do not need that much protein, in fact too much protein can lead to some pretty terrible health issues. a 16% protein layer pellet or crumble is all the really need. feeding them dog food wont make them lay more eggs, that much is for sure
Dry pooch kibble is basically corn, it won't harm the chooks whatsoever. Our own dependably attempt to sneak into the house and consume the pooch nourishment provided that they can. Doesn't harm them a spot nor make the eggs any less consumable than chooks transforming bugs into eggs.
so they won't make them lay more? i wonder why that one guy said he did it in the winter and they laid more...i thought it was a bit off but i had to know....thanks so much for the great advice and input
Not all dog feed is corn etc. My dog food is fish based, with no grains at all and 24% protein, so if I fed my chickens that it would increase their protein & maybe their egg production. 16% is the basic layer feed, which is OK if they get no other treats to water it down. Getting a higher protein chicken feed is really a better option, but that is just my opinion.
Dog food is only about 20+% protein. Not a significant increase over chicken layer feed. Extra protein is not going to have an impact on egg production unless they are consuming a protein poor diet (lots of straight grains, fruits and vegetables). What it does help with is feather production and overall growth. What many people do is add cat kibble to the diet when their chickens are molting so they feather out faster. It will also put on lean muscle mass (meat) on the meat birds.
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There are many dog foods that are 30%+, just not old roy or purina. Cat food is the same difference. Just get a better, higher protein feed & it will help egg laying. 16% is fine EXCEPT that most of us give our chickens other things that take down the overall protein. I always try to feed 17-20% & never have a problem.

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