Dry incubating duck eggs - Final count: three ducklings *PICS*

I have just investigated further when I removed the first one to the brooder - he was stomping all over the newer one and pecking at its face - and I see I have one more pipped the shell and another alive but not yet pipped. The other four are definitely dead in shell, no internal pips or anything. I had no idea ducklings were so big or so vocal - this one is gong to keep me awake all night! Also had no idea they were so much more interactive than baby chicks - they seem more alert and more aware of their surroundings. I'm going to have a hard time handing these little guys over to their real owners in a couple of days...

And Denninmi - these two who have hatched don't seem sticky at all - the first one fluffed up perfectly and the second one is nearly there already. The third one looks like he might require assistance but I'm going to leave him for a full day before I decide. Chances are he'll get out all by himself...
I think getting 3 after what you and they went through is great!
Hey you! Post a pic of your Daisies and I'll let you in on the weighing secret. LOL! I'd like to see how they all finally turned out. Have any of them started laying yet? Mine have, just this week. Yours were a few weeks older so you should be seeing some eggs round about now.

As for these ducklings, I actually have no idea what kind they are. Big white ones that lay lots of big white eggs is the most I know about them. I've never even seen them; the folk I was incubating the eggs for just brought a pile of them over one day. Huge eggs, 75-90g size. When I deliver them their ducklings in a few days time, I'll see if I can get some photos of the flock. I've said to them to give me another pile of eggs and I should get a better result next time. My Brinsea will be free by this weekend so I might as well load it up again!
Well, the third one has developed a mild case of splay legs while drying off in the bator, so I now have her all taped up.

She's rather funny looking:

Another funny thing is: I just discovered I am wildly allergic to duckling fluff! Waaaaaahh-CHOOOO!!!
Sorry for the screwy incubation, you did well to get three! I feel for you about the allergy- I am actually allergic to feathers in general, as well as dog and cat dander. That's why I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 ducks and 20 chickens.
I have been dry incubating for months. Chickens, ducks, geese, quail, peafowl, pheasants. I have a Dickey cabinet, it runs 28-33% dry. I use a Brinsea to hatch at 55-60%. I have been having the best hatches ever.

Those duckilings are adorable !
Best of luck !

  • I really don't get dry hatching...does it mean you don't have water in the incubator? Confused as people are talking about humidity but that comes with water right? I'm going to try hatching 5 eggs next weekend that are currently in an automatic incubator. Will be transferring them to a small janoel manual one (not used it before) as have 15 other eggs in the automatic that only went in on Monday so don't want to up the humidity for them for three days when they don't need it. Is it possible to not use humidity to hatch my 5 eggs but hatch them dry (am I getting it right?)
I have been dry incubating for months.  Chickens, ducks, geese, quail, peafowl, pheasants.  I have a Dickey cabinet, it runs 28-33% dry. I use a Brinsea to hatch at 55-60%. I have been having the best hatches ever.  /img/smilies/big_smile.png

Those duckilings are adorable !  /img/smilies/love.gif   Best of luck !

Could you share your process ? Especially for the duck and pheasant eggs? Another pheasant guy doesnt reccommend dry incubation for pheasants so I would love to hear what you do with both. Do you spray your duck eggs with dry incubation?
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