Dry pox? Need opinions please


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2022
Noticed my wyandotte hunched down, and saw her eye closed.
Brought her in, and it looks like maybe some dry pox got on her eyelid and wattles.
I've treated her so far with opthalmic gel for the irritation, and terramycin eye ointment.

Any other suggestions?


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What is your general location? Do you have mosquitoes out now? Do you have others with scabs? There is no treatment for dry pox, but the Terramycin is good for the scabs close to eyes.
I'm in Texas...we always seem to have mosquitoes 😅.
We have had dry pox going around the flock in waves
You are in an area where the pox vaccine might be a good thing to do to any unexposed chickens. Once they get the pox virus, they are immune to that strain in the future. The wet pox can be very deadly, but most adult chickens get over dry fowl pox unless it is very severe. Wet pox causes yellow plaques inside the beak and throat, and respiratory symptoms. Chicks, however, may get dry pox and die just because the scabs can keep them from seeing water and food, or plugging their nostrils.

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