dubbing our chickens today

I did it last year( to show a bird )and right after dubbing I put his head in a bowl of ice water for a few seconds-it really stops the blood flow fast-

there are people who only show there pullets and hens because of this, and/or only dub the male they really want to show and leave the rest intact-

I personally didnt like doing very much and dont know if I will do it again
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The thin comb and wattles of oeg are prone to frostbite. So it depends on your climate where you are if you dub or not. A male with frostbite becomes infertile as well as the frostbite wound being susceptible to all sorts of horrible infection and such. (By the way, the way my 3 year old screams when he gets a haircut, I'd say the chicken feels less pain than him, LOL). It is to each their own, if one does or doesn't dub, after a winter or two the bird will be "dubbed" by mother nature anyways...that is if the fowl survives the frostbite...

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According to the Chicken Health Handbook, after the painfull frostbite swelling goes down, the cock may continue to lose weight, lose interest in breeding, eating, etc., and may possibly become infertile...pages 132-133...
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And with enough exhibitors saying this is an outdated practice, I will not do it! We can get the Standard changed. Multilation for a ribbon/cash is wrong.
forstbite can occur with or with good "husbantry" and i can understand how many of you think this is wrong but if a chickens health is put at rish you would do it and many may have there veiws on showing dubbed chickens whether its wrong or not. I dont understand personally what the probelm is with dubbing a chicken, i dont know what the purpose for a comb/wattle is either. I can understand how many thing its cruel but once again, what is the purpose of a comb/ wattle?
You have a big fleshy thing around the hole in your head you call an ear - if it was cut off, well you'd be able to hear better - or at least hear folk when they're whispering behind you
That is absolutely not true. We have temps every winter in the negatives and even with tight housing (no drafts) ample food and water, frostbite can and does occur. OE have males have VERY large combs and wattles, and are very prone to frostbite.

Dubbing is not purely decorative, it serves a purpose. Taking off combs and wattles when the bird is young and healthy is far preferable to losing them due to cold or injury which is a long, slow, and painful process.

Clean cuts always heal faster, and dubbing means healing wthout dead tissues sending toxins through the body.
this is the same as what I have read for the reason of dubbing.....same as the old english game....

edited to add:this is the tradition of the reason for dubbing and it continues to this day in shows.....

Now I think people should not be so quick to judge, you all can have your own opinion, but there are a lot of things that are wrong in this world today. Can all you people judging say that you are so free of sin yourselves?
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