D'uccle chicks


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
I have never had d'uccles (or bantams for that matter). I have some mille fleur and porcelains ordered. They are beautiful, and I hear they generally make great pets. I'm just curious.... I have done a great deal of research on them, and I am seeing on other websites, and even on the reviews here, that they are "not as hardy," or "not as easy to raise," but they really don't say why. I don't care about the eggs, I'm not buying them (and considering making a d'uccle coop) for their eggs. I'm intrigued by their looks and all of the good things I've read about them. What makes them not as easy to raise? I know sometimes the foot feathers make quite the mess...but I can't see that being a reason for people to report they're not as easy as other birds. Are THESE not as easy, or bantams in general? Thanks!
bantams are way easier and more hardy then the big boys. they are awesome birds. i have the mille fluer and they are beautiful birds. i never did anything special for them. my roo is getting a bit aggressive as he gets older he is 3 yrs. and this yr. he decided he wants to protect everything against my boots. lol they make great babies all by themself. the feathers help keep them warm in winter although the will get muddy giving the chance but wont they all?
I've had both Millie fleurs and porcelains, all in the same run as my large fowl. They did just as well in the rain, snow, sun and freezing temperatures. They've been a lot friendlier than most of my other chickens.
I love love my mille fleurs! Their very feathery feet are so cute; it looks like they are wearing scuba diving flippers when they walk!

I was worried before getting my first milles, because in reading a lot of reviews, many people said they were flighty and that the boys especially were "a small bird with a big attitude". I made sure to spend a lot, a lot of one on one time with them as chicks, and they are the sweetest and tamest chickens I've ever had. :) They always insist on riding my shoulder whenever I come near them. My favorite breed by far. My mille fleur roo is much, much tamer and sweeter than any other roos I've had.

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