Duck Advice!


May 28, 2017
Hi duck owners! We’re expanding our coop and are looking into the possibility of a duck or two. Here are some questions I have.

1) Can I keep 1 duck with a flock of 5 chickens, or do I need more than 1?

2) How messy are they? I’ve heard they’re more messy than chickens.

3) What kind of feed do I need?

4) How much *bath* water do I need to provide?

Thank you for your input!
More than 1

Small kiddie pool

They make a mess with water just make a certified pool area away from the hens normal area, If you can

Feed the whole flock flock raiser or duck layer with oystershell for dippin

Try your hardest to only get females

Male ducks have penises and roosters dont so a male duck will hurt a hen internaly

Ducks are a joy

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