Duck attack- Warning, graphic pictures


6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Eastern Washington
Last night one of my two ducks got attacked and killed. The attacker skinned about half the duck, but ate very little. Few feather were spread around. The other duck's eye was injured. Does anyone know what might have done this? I've never locked the ducks or chickens up at night(until now) and the ducks usually sleep outside. The predator had free access to the pen through a open gate.

Above is the bad eye of the duck that survived.

Above is underside of the duck

eye of the killed duck.
Feathers around wound and carcass have a look of being slobbered on which suggest not a raptor. Bird not being dismembered as consumed or packed off suggests not fox or coyote. Damage to more than one bird to head suggest not a opossum as they seem to not go after head to make kill. I think most likely perp is a raccoon. It will likely be back to night so tighten up their nighttime locations. Get good batteries in your flash-light and have a .22 rifle handy. If possible use duck carcass as bait in a live trap, then keep your ears open for birds making a ruckus tonight. Get the bugger, it should be a good time to collect the pelt for the fur buyer.
Feathers around wound and carcass have a look of being slobbered on which suggest not a raptor. Bird not being dismembered as consumed or packed off suggests not fox or coyote. Damage to more than one bird to head suggest not a opossum as they seem to not go after head to make kill. I think most likely perp is a raccoon. It will likely be back to night so tighten up their nighttime locations. Get good batteries in your flash-light and have a .22 rifle handy. If possible use duck carcass as bait in a live trap, then keep your ears open for birds making a ruckus tonight. Get the bugger, it should be a good time to collect the pelt for the fur buyer.
thanks, I was beginning to think raccoon. We have a game cam set up and everybody is looked up. If it appears to have come back tonight, them we'll set up a trap.
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the predator came back last night and chewed the tip of the beak of the duck that survived off. I had moved the duck into a separate cage and it must have slept by the edge. IT also spooked one of my pheasant and it got stuck in the net but he's ok. We've got a trap set now.
That's a raccoon. One killed an OEGB of mine and the carcass looked just like your first picture. And coming back repeatedly to the scene of a strike. I agree you should get a flashlight and a .22 handy. They are clever little jerks.
Use a string or large twist tie to keep bait centered in your trap and that way he has to go in to get it also try tuna or sardines. when using sardines and tuna set a cat food can in the trap and poke holes in it to put a tie threw and tie it down in center of trap behind the trigger and he will have to enter then you can shoot him or call animal control which ever you prefer ( I'd shoot it lol)

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