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7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Hello, my sister has a duck and it is a drake. We just went to go feed all of them. It is 5:39 pm, and when we went out to feed him. He was behind a tree and shaking. We picked him up when we noticed that his curly feathers are torn off. Some of his wing feathers are broken. And most of his tail feathers are cut off, like half of a feather is there. He won't eat and has sort of a limp now, like he can't walk right, he sort of turns to the left. We have another drake, 4 female ducks, and 11 chickens. One of the female ducks is his wife, 1 is his daughter, and 2 don't like him, they will run away from him, and the drake is his son. Please help!

PS. We went to Alabama for 5 days, he has been locked up with 1 chicken, his wife ( a duck), and another duck. But we had someone come to feed them every day and collect eggs.

Thank you for any advice!
We had two Pekins that had a really bad limp, turns out they got their legs broken over a dog chain and healed wrong. Needless to say we put them out of their misery this morning. Isolate it from any other animals until it heals. For the leg you can see if it is broken and try splinting it if it is. Other than that, I have no experience with duck first aid whatsoever. Good Luck!
Hello, my sister has a duck and it is a drake. We just went to go feed all of them. It is 5:39 pm, and when we went out to feed him. He was behind a tree and shaking. We picked him up when we noticed that his curly feathers are torn off. Some of his wing feathers are broken. And most of his tail feathers are cut off, like half of a feather is there. He won't eat and has sort of a limp now, like he can't walk right, he sort of turns to the left. We have another drake, 4 female ducks, and 11 chickens. One of the female ducks is his wife, 1 is his daughter, and 2 don't like him, they will run away from him, and the drake is his son. Please help!

PS. We went to Alabama for 5 days, he has been locked up with 1 chicken, his wife ( a duck), and another duck. But we had someone come to feed them every day and collect eggs.

Thank you for any advice!
Sounds to me like your drakes have been fighting, you might do better at least keep the one inured separate till he begins to feel better. Rest and some extra poultry vitamins in his water while he is on the mend will help. but keep him where the other ducks can still see him and he them.

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