Duck Breed Advice?


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Well I said I would NEVER get any ducks but I am having a hard time resisting their charm. With their cute web feet and duck bills. My grandma had ducks when I was little right along with her chickens and geese (now that is one I will NEVER have, hers liked to chase and “bite” me) but I still know very little about them. I have done a lot of research about ducks because I wasn’t even sure they would be able to survive the Minnesota winters but I have found out they can.

I want a large duck, one that can’t fly because I want to keep them in a certain area, and not all over my yard. Their area will be 80 ft by 80 ft with kiddy pool or two because I don’t have a pond. I would also like to keep them out of the livestock tanks which are another reason I want ones that don’t fly.

I want a large dual purpose duck that is a good layer, good looking, friendly, and not very noisy. I think I have narrowed it down to two breeds. The Saxony and the Silver Appleyard (large). I am looking to get 15 total to start with maybe 7 Saxony and 8 Silver Appleyard… that is if they are not sold out already.

What do you think? Do they sound like they are what I am looking for?
Right now I have some Pekins, Anconas and Muscovies. The only ones that have flown have been the Muscovies and that is to the roof of the coop and up on the top of the fence. When they have got out they haven't gone far. But then again with almost three feet of snow around the coop it isn't like they could get far anyway.
The others have shown no interest in getting airborne.
I have already ordered some Saxonies and Indian Runners for this spring. From what I've heard the Saxonies should be fine and I've had Runners before. The Runners ended up being dinner for a mangy fox. Probably because they couldn't get away.
From what you explained, it sounds like you need some Pekins. They can't fly, and are great beginner ducks. (They are also known as large breed ducks). In 13 I am getting 2 Pekins. If you're not interested in Pekins, a Saxony should work fine too.
ok, just reading the poultry book. You have chosen 2 good breeds, but there are others also...Pekin, Rouen, Aylesbury to name a few...I love the Muscovies my self,,but I wanted some others but i don't want I will stick with the Muscovies. I just hope I don't have a problem with them flying away. The adults I will clip their wings before letting them out of the hen house next month, but the babies I am worried about when they start trying out their wings.
I love our pekin ducklings and ducks! They are not that noisy and very friendly and don't fly!

Let me find some pics....
Here are some from some that were mailed for hatching:

one of my first hatches last year - 21 of 23 hatched!!!

Well, we're getting ready for a busy hatching season but we will continue to have eggs for sale if you'd like to try hatching...Have a blessed evening. Nancy
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Both of those are very good choices. I narrowed it down to those two plus welsh harlequins. I decided on Silver Appleyards. Haven't got them yet, but I think they will be perfect.

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