Duck Breed Focus - Rouen

Lol I was just thinking the same thing haha!
@Adalida Welcome to BYC
Your ducks sound like a fun pair! Please share some pics of them if you have any?
What an exiting thread to happen upon this evening. I just received a pair of ducklings as a gift two weeks ago and was trying to figure out what kind they are. I'm so excited to discover that they might be Rouens! They look just like the ones in the picture but the second line under the eye is faint. It could be because I'm in Mexico and perhaps the breed standard is different here? They are called Floridana's here and are a very popular backyard duck.

In the two weeks I've had them I can tell they are going to be great pets and I can't wait to see what they become!
What do you think?

To my untrained eye they DO look like Rouens. The second stripe is there. Gosh, they are pretty!
Though I've never personally raised any Rouens, I took care of 2 for a friend for a year while she moved. They are definitely a very docile breed! Besides being calm and friendly, both hens laid an egg a day for 9-10 months out of the year. At some point I would like to get some of my own. They are a great breed!
To my untrained eye they DO look like Rouens. The second stripe is there. Gosh, they are pretty!
Thanks for the help with identification! I think they are, too. Yes, are are quite the cute pair. Yesterday they went for their first swim in the big pond and loved it. Now they sit by the fence staring lovingly at it. Guess I'll have to sneak them in more often until they are big enough to fend off the black-bellies on their own.

I'll be excited to see how they grow up.

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