Duck breed for me!

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ruby m w

7 Years
Aug 18, 2012
Uk Somerset
I already have 9 ducks that live by our mini river.But I also have a seperate pond.I have been thinking about putting a trio (or more) of ducks in there.But am unsure what breed to choose.
I need:
~Really they need to be a small breed,, that dont eat loads of corn!
~Something that doesnt make lots of noise [not my decision]
ruby m w

If you have females, I cannot think of a quiet duck besides Muscovy.

But they are large.

I love my runners, and they are about 4 pounds each. I don't feed corn, other than what is in the pelleted feed. Supplemental food includes greens, sweet peas, flax, oats, cat kibble, sometimes cooked potatoes.
hee! heee!

I have heard of Calls' reputation for volume!

I have runners and buffs, and so far no complaints from the neighbors, who are a few hundred feet away. But then, they have kids who like to play at the top of their lungs, dirt bikes, a motorcycle with no muffler, chain saws, a truck with a loud muffler, barking, yodeling, baying dogs, occasional firecrackers . . . . .

My ducks are whisper quiet compared to my neighbors´ fairly regular noises.
noise noise noise!

I was thinking about Mandarins but unsure about their volume and in my location finding them is really hard!
Or bantam Silver Appleyards
I already have 9 ducks that live by our mini river.But I also have a seperate pond.I have been thinking about putting a trio (or more) of ducks in there.But am unsure what breed to choose.
I need:
~Really they need to be a small breed,, that dont eat loads of corn!
~Something that doesnt make lots of noise [not my decision]
ruby m w
1. You are feeding more than just corn right? That is not nearly enough nutrients especially when ducks are laying.

2. I've heard BEI's are less loud than calls but all female ducks are going to be loud.

3. If your just throwing some ducks on a pond there's no way that's going to work on a Mandarin. They will fly away and never think twice about it.
1.i do feed more than corn, laying pellets, growers etc.

2.I know all female ducks are loud but i mean like Call Duck loud, right?

3. And Mandarins sorry i havent researched on them, but bantam Silver Apple yards?
I would recomend Miniature Silver Appleyards. They are SO cute! I have a pair, they love to swim and they are just beginning to try to fly. You will want to clip their wings. They are also good foragers.
All bantam ducks are going to be excellent fliers. Unless your going to pinion or keep up with clipping their wings constantly it's unrealistic for your set up. Plus bantam ducks are very easy targets for any predator out there. That's why they are usually kept in secure pens rather than free ranging.
Mandarins are super quite, but they have to be penned up. I have mine in a flight pen with other bantam ducks. You'd have to build them nest boxes as they don't lay on the ground. I have guineas in with the ducks and so far they have kept the varmits ran off, but they're as noisy as the Calls! At least the Mandarins will roost and can fly up on top of the shelter to get away from predators if they were to get into the pen with them.

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