Duck breeding to long


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Hello I have a duck that has been siting on 15 eggs already for 30 days I checked her eggs two days ago and nothing was happening. So today I zat near her nest but she couldn't see me and I stayed there for about two hours and I heard nothing. No I was wondering how much longer the ducklings take for ? This had never happened to me before.
I will keep you updated if any thing happens. Thanks
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Hello I have a duck that has been siting on 15 eggs already for 30 days I checked her eggs two days ago and nothing was happening. So today I zat near her nest but she couldn't see me and I stayed there for about two hours and I heard nothing. No I was wondering how much longer the ducklings take for ? This had never happened to me before.
I will keep you updated if any thing happens. Thanks
Is your duck a Muscovy? it takes 35-37 days for them only 28-30 for other breeds. Have you candled?
she is not a Muscovy she is a mixed race. I candled and there were only two bad eggs the rest were good
Have you candled? Duckling don't go on a time schedule, weather temps other things can delay hatch, but I think candeling would give you an idea about how the eggs are doing.
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If you candeled, you should have an idea how far they are along. it sounds like you may have confused when she was laying from when she actually started incubating (easy to do), when did she lay the 15th egg? is that your starting date for incubation?

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They are at the 28 day stage and I candled them last night and they were moving.
Great news, so now it patience and waiting, once they begin to internal pip it can still take up to 36 hrs for them to finish up, so try to stay busy so you don't worry too much. Let us know when you see the first external pip.

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